This nigga Slicc has been on a gang of albums, he was on King of Da Playaz ball that DJ Paul & Juicy J put out for Skinny Pimp and also rapped on a Mystic Styles I believe. He is from Texas though, alot of people think he is from Memphis cuz he raps with all those kats but he resides down in texas. Another misconception about this album is that it is only underground and on tapes, I have to set the record straight and let ya know that I got the original cd and know others that do too, so dont settle for some bootleg tape when trying to get this album.
"Intro" on this album is slamming, this nigga drops some really tight vocals and the beat is blazing also. Up next is "Watching Me" and this is another off the hook track, Slicc is somewhat of a Pimp type rapper and he is droppin some tight shit up on this track----very good song. "Exit Wrong" features the Ghetto Twinz, this song is alright, I really dont bump it all that much though.
That nigga Skinny Pimp is featured on the next cut and woah mane, this shit is blazing, Slicc drops the first 4 verses and he rips shit up, then that Skinny nigga comes in and tears shit to pieces, droppin shit like he used to back in the day. "Down & Out" is the next track and the beat on this track is shitty as hell, the flows are alright but the beat ruins the whole song. "Pimping Never Stop" is a very chilled laid back pimping cut, its off the hook, yall need to listen to this shit and pick up some of this pimpin---cuz pimping aint dead the hoes is just scared!!!!
"Anytime Anyday" is next up and its an alright cut, Slicc drops some really gangsta vocals on this track and its pretty tight even though the beat aint really all that. "Papa Said" is a bullshit song and I dont have a clue what this shit is doing on this album, the chorus ruins the song but the vocals and beat aint all that bad. King Goldie is featured on "Run" ---its an alright cut but still nothing that special.
"Rebel" has a terrible chorus but the verses and the beat are pretty tight, it really sucks that half of his choruses but up the track cuz he has some really tight flows. "Slicc" is a really nice cut, its another pimpin type of cut and its blazing. "No Future" is a very laid back cut and its alright but nothing off the hook. Up next is "Educated Your Mind" and its more of gangsta type of song then it is pimpin, its a really nice lil cut.
"The Other Side" is a crunk ass cut, the beat is on point and Slicc drops some very nice vocals on this cut. "Down & Out (Remix)" is the last cut on this album, this song was featured on some compilation that I cant remember, it features Ghetto Twinz again---its an alright track. Overall this album is hella tight if you like laid back pimpin type of shit, its 1000 times better then his new album Mr. Slicc Hidden Secret, he has a totally different style of that album, Skinny Pimp makes a classic performance on this album also. If you can find this shit which is hella rare, pick it up cuz its very tight.