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Gibt mittlerweile auch digitale Downloads auf der Weighless-Seite, exklusiv dabei vor allem dieses Album:


Greenhouse Effect, Illogic, & Plead the Ph5th The Iskabibbles $8.00
Recorded back in 2000 but never released, the Iskabibbles album is finally available. Produced by Blueprint.

Microphone Science/The Iskabibble Clinic
Follow For Now
Time, Space, Love, Hate
Whoohaha! feat. Flip
Welcome To My Cell
Wings Earned
Older, Wiser
Lost In A Sense
The Outro

Und angekündigt für den 07.10.08 ist folgende Scheibe:

Greenhouse (Blueprint & Illogic)
"Bend But Don't Break" CD. October 7th

Aber Blueprint hat dazu schon folgendes verlautbaren lassen:

We were trying to make the announcement after we finished the record but Greenhouse is now Illogic and I. We are working on a record called Bend But Don't Break, that we were originally trying to have out in October but since i will be touring w/ atmosphere this fall we will be pushing the record back. The song on my myspace page is one of the songs off the upcoming record.

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BeitragVerfasst: 08.10.2008, 19:53 
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Blueprint Interview in Berlin:

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BeitragVerfasst: 21.11.2008, 07:09 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Aus der Bulletin von Blueprint:

Videographers hit me up

I have a record coming out next year called "Adventures in Counter Culture", scheduled to hit the shelves April 21st. As you can see I've never really had any music videos, so i would like to change that. In my many years of traveling and touring, i have crossed paths with many music video guys and videographers.

To those of you that i have met, please send me a message with your demo reel, etc.

To those of you who i haven't met who might be interested in doing a low-budget video(s), please hit me up.

Take Care!

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 25.02.2009, 23:33 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Von der Startseite:

Blueprint: Sign Language
Die Release-Flut des neuen Jahres kommt so langsam richtig ins Rollen, und da will auch das Weightless-Camp rund um Label- und Kreativchef Blueprint nicht zurückstehen. Abgesehen vom neuen Illogic-Album (siehe unsere News vom 13.01.2009) wird Anfang März ein auf 500 Exemplare limitiertes neues Blueprnt-Instrumental Album mit dem Titel "Sign Language" als Nachfolger zum 2004er Werk "Chamber Musik" erscheinen. Mehr Infos und Details zur Vorbestellung gibt es auf . Aber damit nicht genug, denn das Instrumental-Album wird nur der Vorbote für Blueprints mit Raps unterlegtes neues Album sein. Dessen Veröffentlichungsdatum ist zwar vom ursprünglich vorgesehenen April-Termin auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben worden, aber minder interessant klingt das Projekt deswegen nicht. Und da bekanntlich aller guten Dinge drei sind, hat Blueprint auch angekündigt zusammen mit Illogic bereits an einem neuen Geenhouse Effect Album zu arbeiten. Fleißig, fleißig die Herren....


25.02.2009 © Knowbody for

Die Original-News aus dem Blog von Blueprint:

What the hell have I've been up to? News update...

In preparation for my new album I have shot a couple of music videos; one for a song called "keep bouncing" and another for a song called "radioinactive". The video for Keep Bouncing was shot at my favorite wateringhole in Columbus, Carabar. The video for Radioinactive was shot in New York while i was on tour this past fall with Atmosphere. I've noticed that a lot of cats will talk about shooting "low-budget" videos, but that can be very decieving because low budget is relative. One man's low budget might be another mans feature film. Therefore I've decided that there should be a new term for shooting videos called "no-budget". That's how we've been rolling so far, and I want to thank the videographers (justin and shankar) that I've worked with thus far for believing in my music enough to do it. I have another shoot scheduled for March. I hope to shoot 1-2 more videos since I don't have any shows for a while...might as well be productive.

I don't know how many of you have heard of an artist named Supastition (Kam Moye), but me and him did a song together for one of his upcoming projects. I have always been a fan of his, and I hope that those that haven't checked him out before will do so. He's got a free EP for download on his myspace page if you need an introduction.

Since my album is done I've been trying to plug away at the new greenhouse album that Illogic and I have been working on. I'm doing all the production on the record, but me and illogic are both rhyming on it. The name of the album is Bend But Don't Break. We wanted to release it last year but I ended up touring with Atmosphere during that time so we pushed it back. At any rate, things are sounding nice. If you haven't added the Greenhouse crew yet, please do so! And if you haven't added my dude Illogic please do. He has a new album coming out on March 24th on our label weightless Recordings ( He and I hope to tour together when the greenhouse album comes out.

Also, we wil be releasing 2 FREE Greenhouse EPs very soon. Please stay tuned, and add us if you haven't already (, or just subscribe to the blog so when we start blogging you can be in the mix.

I've been posting new beats instead of songs because it seems more interesting. Coincidentally i still get at least 4-5 messages a weak from dudes trying to sell me "industry standard" beats, or just regular dudes who want to just give me beats. Cut it out, I'm good.

The release date of my album was originally April 21st but its looking like it's going to get pushed back a little bit. I'm not completely sure i can speak on why but hopefully everything will be in place soon to get it out, although slightly delayed. Until then yall can find me in Columbus wishing i was somewhere least the record is done, and has been done for a while, which brings me to the GOOD news...

GOOD NEWS SECOND: NEW MUSIC (2 new Blueprint projects! OMG!)
I have two production projects that I am going to release in in a LIMITED run. They are both instrumental projects. One is the follow-up to my Chamber Music instrumental album called "Sign Language". The other is more of a straight up hip-hop beat cd type of thing called "Weightless Radio". There will only be 500 copies of each of these CDs, and they will be sold only on I repeat, there will only be 500 of each title, and they will only be sold at, but you can also buy them off this page as well. The reason I repeat this is because when i did the funkadelic project it sold very quickly, and i still had many many many people come to my shows this past fall asking why i wasn't selling the CD. Shit was gone by then. Then when i tell them that it was gone a long time ago, they tell me i should press more. So i want to tell everybody now BUY THE SHIT WHEN IT'S AVAILABLE, because i dont want to get a shitload of e-mails and people walking up to me saying they saw it for sale and thought it should still be for sale a year or two later when they passed up the chance to get it the first time around. While there are instances where i can save certain titles for the road, i can't gurantee that happening. but on the brighter side, we will be doing presales. These presales will ship out on average 3-4 business days before the actually release date, therefore you will have it in your hand before everybody else does.


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BeitragVerfasst: 26.02.2009, 15:06 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin
Klingt alles sehr vielversprechend, freu mich auf seine Sachen eigentlich noch mehr als auf das Illogic Album. So'ne Instrumentalscheibe muss nicht unbedingt sein, aber dafür wird das Rapalbum auf jeden Fall geholt, ist Pflicht!

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BeitragVerfasst: 02.04.2009, 19:46 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin
Trotz negativer Kritik seitens Knowbody muss ich sagen, dass Sign Language durchaus zu gefallen weiß. Schön entspannte Produktionen bei, aber ohne jetzt in die Langeweile abzudriften. Hätt ich ehrlich gesagt nicht erwartet. Das Greenhouse Effect Album kann dann kommen!

So in etwa verhält es sich auch mit Diabolical Fun. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich eher ein langweiliges, dahinplätscherndes Album erwartet hab. Aber Ill passt wirklich gut auf die Poetic Beats. Sind halt auch ein paar Produktionen mit n bisschen mehr Feuer drauf. Poetic rappt meiner Meinung nach auch etwas aggressiver als auf dem World Is Ours, Crash kommt echt nice. Illogic rappt auch wieder richtig gut. Rappte er in der Vergangenheit teilweise n bisschen träge geht's vom Flow her schon etwas fixer zur Sache, gefällt mir. Aber liegt vielleicht auch mit an den Beats, die einfach um einiges lauter sind als bspw. auf dem ersten Album. Alles in allem ne gelungene Platte nach dem ersten Hördurchgang. Kann auch nur noch besser werden. Werd's mir jetzt gleich nochmal anhören.

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BeitragVerfasst: 02.04.2009, 21:09 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Das Illogic Album gefällt mir auch gut, gerade die Raps von Ihm finde ich mal wieder sehr stark. Beats sind aber auch auf durchgängig gutem Niveau...

Und was Blueprint angeht: ich habe da für ein Instrumental Album einfach mehr erwartet, ein paar Experimente, aber da ist so eine spannungsarme Atmosphäre drin die mir nicht wirklich gefällt...

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.06.2009, 22:12 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Neue Blueprint Homepage und neues Album:

New Blueprint solo album coming soon
"Adventures in Counter-Culture coming soon
Blueprint is finishing up the last set of revisions for his upcoming full-length album "Adventures in Counter-Culture" to be released on independent powerhouse label Rhymesayers Entertainment. It will be his first solo album since his solo debut 1988, released in 2005 and his collaborative effort Things Go Better With RJ & Al, as Soul Position. Expect an announcement soon.

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BeitragVerfasst: 10.06.2009, 10:06 

Registriert: 23.09.2004, 13:17
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:rofl: :zahnlove:

Wie alt ist Blueprint denn?

Suche: Grayskul - Thee Adventures!

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BeitragVerfasst: 15.10.2009, 20:28 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin

New Greenhouse (Blueprint & Illogic) album
Electric Purgatory - Part One in stores November 24th

As many of you know the first records i ever worked on were as a part of my crew Greenhouse Effect, from Columbus Ohio. Many things have happened and thru the years the cast has changed, and some people have come and gone. But since we started out with this Greenhouse shit as the foundation of this the weightless recordings movement, Illogic and I have decided to continue carrying the torch. We have been working on material together off and on for the past year or so, and will be releasing an EP called "Electric Purgatory - Part One" on Tuesday November 24th on Weightless Recordings. The EP will be the first in a two part series that will be completely free to download. The CD version will come with all the instrumentals and a free poster, and available at

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 26.10.2009, 10:59 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Die EP kann man jetzt vorbestellen:


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BeitragVerfasst: 26.10.2009, 11:09 

Registriert: 15.01.2009, 21:28
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Nur 5$? :D

Is ja geil, wird gleich mal bestellt :thumbs:

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BeitragVerfasst: 26.10.2009, 12:19 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin
Fehlt euch auch ein €-Cent? :razz:

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BeitragVerfasst: 26.10.2009, 12:30 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
prodigy hat geschrieben:
Nur 5$? :D

Is ja geil, wird gleich mal bestellt :thumbs:

Bei den konkurrenzlosen Preisen dort (Versandkosten sind auch sehr niedrig) kannst du direkt noch mehr ordern, die haben ja einiges im Angebot...

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 26.10.2009, 12:35 

Registriert: 15.01.2009, 21:28
Beiträge: 615
Hab das meiste eigentlich schon, werde warscheinlich noch die Celestial Clockwork und Life Sentences mitbestellen :thumbs:

Wie ist eigentlich die "Columbus Or Bust" von Greenhouse Effect? Bei Discogs ist die gar nicht eingetragen...

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