LL Cool Jeezy hat geschrieben:
Aber wie arm ist denn der Tüp??
Myspae Bulltin:
Serious updates here for you guys, my best friend Pete has been getting all the girls at school and work after he has not had a girlfriend in the past 2 years. I asked him if he is drugging them or whatever so he told me his little secret. He has been taking these tablets, Click here so see where he gets them from they made his little magic stick grow almost double the size it was in about 2 months and he says it is still getting bigger.
I thought he was kidding around so I investigated a little bit into it and sure enough I found nine bottles of the these pills under his bed and to top that off, his 2 brothers are now taking them too, I don't know, but I am thinking now of buying them for you know who.. I know it sounds shallow but after seeing the results, it is hard to not do it. cf035b
I am telling you I have all the proof needed that they work, the place you order them from even guarentees that they will work on any guy or they give you what you paid right back. Don't pass up on this one guys, it is 100onfirmed and for real. Get them while they are still available by clicking here 628a