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schön, dass du deine mp3 sammlung hier reinkopieren kannst! :thankyou:

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weiß nicht obs schon geposted wurde....

Lord Infamous: The Man, The Myth, The Legend is back to headbussin’. Down-South got the exclusive with Scarecrow himself:

Can you introduce yourself?
Okay. What’s up man? This is Lord Infamous, the Scarecrow. You know, from Three 6 Mafia fame. Black Rain Entertainment is my new label. Me and II Tone. And I have a new album out called The Man, The Myth, The Legacy. It’s nice to be doin this interview with you, man.

You been off the scene for a couple years. What’s been goin on?
Well, man, of course you may know, I did a little time. And me and my brother, DJ Paul, that’s my brother.. Well before my departure from Three 6 Mafia there’s been like some, know what I’m sayin, some minor little differences we never resolved. And bein that I had a lot of ideas, I wanted to venture on my own to try out some new things. And, you know, I’m forever a part of Three 6 Mafia. I’m just not doin music with them at the moment. But the love is still there for them.

And it was between the Unbreakables album and the Most Known Unknown album that you stopped bein an official member of the group..
Yeah, well, it actually started during Most Known Unknown. Well, the beginning of Most Known Unknown, I was out at the time, and actually I had titled the album. And I did a few songs but then I had to go do my time so I didn’t get to finish the.. They removed those verses from me on that project. And that’s pretty much basically it for that deal right there, man.

And how long were you locked up?
I did like two years, man. Overall. Yeah.

You’ve never had an official, nation-wide solo album until now, correct?
Yeah, right. Correct, correct. Like my first solo projects were actually during my underground days, and it was just like regional.. But yeah you correct. This is my first nationwide solo project. Yeah I would have liked to have done it with Three 6, but it seems like when I was with the 6, like when I would do a solo project, we would end up makin it like a Tear Da Club Up Thugz or something, so it just seemed to never work out that way. But, you know, those projects always turned out great, so it really was no big deal for me. But, you know, I wanted to see how I would do on my own. So, you know..

How’s the reaction you’ve been getting from doin it solo? Now it’s directly from you to the fans..
Yeah. Yeah. They seem to like it so far. I haven’t been getting any bad reviews so far, not too bad anyway. People seem to be confused about what I’m talking about on “Where’s the Love”. It’s not a diss song. It’s a song about basically bringin some things to light that people don’t seem to know about me and what was goin on with me and the 6, you know. And pretty much on the record I’m dissin myself. I’m not dissin the group. I’m talking about a lot of the mistakes I made, you know, kinda like takin responsibility for the things that I did wrong in the past, you know what I’m sayin. I kinda fucked myself up there, you know, for a little while. But I kinda bounced back from it, you know. I’m still learnin, I’m still goin through some things. You know in the past I caught a lot of drug charges. And you know, people who know Lord Infamous know I dibble dabble in, you know, drugs a lil. But for a moment in time I was kinda lettin it take me over. So I had to just take a step back and look at myself, you know, and do some things different.

You got locked up on drug charges the past time?
Yeah, that’s what the charges were for. Yeah. I caught a charge in a club called Denim & Diamonds. I had like a couple of ounces of cocaine on me; powdered cocaine and a lotta pills n stuff. And I admit that I had a bad problem with powdered cocaine, and, you know, prescription drugs. Yeah.

So did jail give you a new mindframe about that. Are you tryin to lay off it?
(laughs) Are we bein honest?

It’s up to you, man.
Well I’ll give you the exclusive. I still.. I still tamper.. I still do my thing, but I’m not as bad as I was. I’m not gonna lie.

Appreciate the honestly..

And goin back, you and Paul used to do underground tapes together..
Yeah. Yeah those Come With Me To Hell volumes: we had a Come With Me To Hell Part 1 and Part 2. And actually before I left the group we always discussed doin some more Come With Me To Hell volumes cuz, you know, the fans liked those a lot. And if we ever get back together, I would like to do another one. You know, that is my brother. I love him, you know what I’m sayin? I always will but, you know, only time will tell on certain things.

And you were locked up when they received the Oscar, right?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That was kinda painful to see it, cuz I woulda liked to have been there with ‘em. Cuz, you know, a lot of the stuff, you know I.. me and Paul created Three 6, you know. And actually I thought of the name.. we were actually called Triple 6 Mafia, and I came up with the name. So the group is kinda like my baby. You know, so seein.. so sittin back and witnessin that.. cuz on up to that point, the masses didn’t know a lot about Triple 6 Mafia. They knew about Three 6 Mafia. They knew about Tear Da Club Up Thugz, and that song “Tear da Club Up”, and “Sippin on Sizzurp”, but they don’t know bout the long road that came before all that stuff. So, you know, even though I wasn’t a part of that song that won us the award.. But it was a long road up to that point, so I feel like I played a large.. And actually when I got out me and Paul had a discussion about that, you know. I was like, know what I’m sayin: do you feel like I deserve any credit for that and he agreed that I did. And I feel so too. So, you know, I would have liked to have been a part of that. But, you know, it just wasn’t in the cards I guess.

You got T-Rock and La Chat on your album, and they are two people, in a long line of HCP members, who’ve fallen out with Paul and Juicy. Did you always keep in touch with them, or how did that come about?
Well, you know, it’s strange about the situation with T-Rock. Cuz actually, when I was with the 6 we were kinda beefin with T-Rock because, you know what I’m sayin, some discretions we had with him. But, you know, he’s a young dude, you know, and I made a lotta mistakes when I was young. And, you know what I’m sayin, you kinda like a chicken with your head cut off when you that age. You don’t really know what you wanna do. But I realize that.. just.. T-Rock is a talented cat. And I didn’t wanna see that go to waste. And it woulda only be in my benefit if he got on my project. And I figured that would get a couple of eyes lookin my way. And the situation with Chat and the group, you know, that’s a whole ‘nother nut to crack, you know, but I didn’t really have any like personal feelings with them. It was just like a business. And of course I’m gonna be on my brother’s side in any situation like that. But bein that, you know, I’m not.. It’s not a Three 6 thing right now.. So I had to put all that bullshit aside, man, and look out for what’s best for me. You know, so.. so I gave T-Rock a call, man. He was down to do it, so, you know, I wasn’t gonna let an opportunity like that slide. And I appreciate him gettin on the album. Matter of fact I’m considerin signin T-Rock, you know.

To Black Rain?
Yeah, you know what I’m sayin. If he’s down with that. And I would like to, know what I’m sayin, work with Koop, Koopsta Knicca. You know Koop just has a lot of legal problems, but I’m not one to judge nobody when it comes to that because I have a lot of those issues myself. But I would like to do a project with him also.

So does II Tone have an album in the works on the label?
Yeah, well.. actually we’re doin a compilation first cuz we’re workin with this cat called Enigma. Enigma: him and his clique and my clique kinda cliqued up. We kinda joined together. A girl named Santerria, a guy named Big Stang, D-Dirt, and of course Enigma; and me, Mac Montese, and II Tone kinda joined our forces together and we’re doin a compilation. And after the compilation we’ll start on II Tone’s album. You know, cuz he actually had an organization called Da Crime-Click. But we just merged that together because, you know, like I said, I didn’t realize I was gonna have the opportunity to work with him, you know, this soon. But bein that I have all this time freed up now. So I just kinda joined his organization with mine. And well, it’s like a trial for us: my clique, Enigma’s clique, and his. And we gonna do a compilation. And then we gonna start workin on II Tone’s album.

Are you still based in Memphis?
Yeah. I love Memphis, man. I don’t plan on leavin this town no time soon. You know, Paul and them doin their LA thing right now. We always did the New York thing, but I can’t see myself livin any other place beside Memphis. You know a lotta people seem to migrate to Atlanta, but you know, the scene out there.. you know I don’t like bein in cities where you just trippin over rappers, you know. In New York and Atlanta, everybody and their mami rappin, you know, so.. I’m not scared of competition, it’s just, you know, I don’t like bullshit competition if I have some. But, and you know, it’s not quite the sound I’m lookin for. I love Atlanta music, don’t get me wrong; I love the New York sound, but I’m just stickin with the script, you know.

In terms of Memphis, you’re a major southern rap spot, but in terms of size you’re the smallest city..
We’re like a large small town: Memphis.

Why do you think it is that Three 6 and other long-time artists from Memphis were so successful in coming up with your own sound and identity for your city, and makin it popular? Cuz Memphis isn’t really a major metropolis like Miami or Atlanta.
Man, you just don’t know man, it’s so hard to come, to make our.. especially when we started cuz the only people that were really doin anything outta Memphis at that time was a guy named Gangsta Pat: he had a song called “I’m the Gangsta”, and 8Ball and them. But, like, for Three 6, man we had to do a lotta lotta.. when we broke on the underground scene, and I guess the people with, you know, families outta town, they would send our music to they friends up north, and the MidWest because, you know, a lotta people in Memphis have family in Chicago, and you know, the Texas area. So that’s basically how we got out there for people like sendin it to their cousins and their brothers our music. So, cuz, we had like 16 or 17 underground volumes before we came out major and before we dropped Mystic Stylez. But bein that Memphis is like a small town.. but it’s like.. Memphis is like a hub. It’s a distribution center. So that’s pretty much what help us: bein a hub town. And so it branched out from there. But we pretty much had to get out and pound the pavement to get our music out to the masses.

So what is your style like now? Is it the same, or has it changed since you were in Three 6?
Well my style of music.. during like the last end times with Three 6, I was kinda venturing away from my original style: you know the heavy tongue-twisting with the dark, you know the devilish flow. But I had to reevaluate myself because a lotta people, like, they miss the old Lord, you know. They miss when I was doin the satanic flows with the tongue twist. So I started doin more of that again. So I’m tryin to get back to the original Lord Infamous, you know what I’m sayin? Not the Tear Da Club Up Thugz Lord Infamous or Da Unbreakables Lord Infamous. I’m tryin to get back to the Come With Me To Hell version of myself; The Scarecrow, you know.

Are you workin a single right now?
Yeah, yeah. Actually I’m workin two. I’m workin a song called.. well actually I’m workin three. I’m tryin to get this song called “You Don’t Want None” in the MidWest, and some regions.. in like the Southwest, I’m tryin to work a single with Chat called “These Pros”. On the album it’s called “These Hoes”, but the radio version is called “These Pros”, and around the Memphis area and like the deep South, I’m workin a single called “Frosty”. I mean from the chorus you would think it’s like another one of these bling bling songs, but actually the song is really about people that’s, you know, glamorizing jewelry. You know what I’m sayin, if you don’t have a buncha diamonds on, ya know what I’m sayin, people don’t watch your videos or think you not a big rapper. So I’m kinda like gettin on the subject of, ya know what I’m sayin, what’s up with the ice thingies and it’s just I’m not a person that like to rock a lotta jewelry. And like I’m just kinda tired of people sayin that in order to be a big popular rapper you gotta rock a lotta jewelry. So, it’s kinda like a song.. it’s like a parody of the jewelry thing.

How do you feel about the state of the rap game in general today?
Man, you know, the thing about that, man.. it’s kinda I have a biased opinion because, you know, I’m a person that talks about dope a lot. But I just don’t agree with the thing about everybody is just a big ass drug dealer these days. Everybody, you know what I’m sayin.. it’s like this here: if you so busy sellin dope, and you sell so much dope, why are you rappin? You know what I’m sayin, cuz if you was such a big ass drug dealer you wouldn’t have time to rap.. When I was growin up, me and Paul was basically raised by gangstas and drug dealers. And I’ve never known a drug dealer that’d have time to sit up and go in the studio and record a full fuckin album, ya know what I’m sayin? And anybody.. in order to sell records, you sell records by your rims and your chains, and how many drugs you push. That’s the only thing I disagree with. But if you real, and that’s really what you do, I have no problem with it. And then it’s just like.. these cats that I know they’re fake niggas. A lot of these cats, man I met these cats before they blew up and before they had record deals when they was comin to us tryin to get contracts. And a lot of them, man, aren’t really gangstas, don’t really sell dope. Now here’s what you finna do: if you somebody like a Rick Ross or a Jay-Z and you really did, was in the game, I.. cool, I’m with that. But if I know you a fake ass nigga, man, or you a fake ass gangsta, you know what I’m sayin, you were never really in no gang, you never really been to jail, you don’t really sell no dope, man, I ain’t feelin you. And I know a lot of these cats. I’ve seen ‘em. They know me, I know them. And they some wussies, you know what I mean? So that’s the only thing I got a problem with, really. It’s just these fake cats, man. But other than that, you know, the game is basically the same, man. It’s just a lotta characters these days is all.

Is there anything else you wanna add?
Yes, man. I’d like to give a Rest In Peace to my great-grandmother: she’s recently passed away. Her name is Helna Bogard. And Tommy Elliot, and to my uncle Benjamin Dunigan, and Willie Beauregard. Yeah, that’s all, man. And to all my fans, man, just keep supportin Lord Infamous. I’ma keep givin ‘em that dark gangsta shit, you know. And I’m in this game to stay, man.

Do you have a website?
Yes, man:

Aight, man. I’m a long-time fan. Good to see you back on the scene.
Aw thank you man. Appreciate that.

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2008, 10:28 

Registriert: 07.01.2008, 16:41
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Wohnort: Köln

1. Frosty
2. Club House Click feat. II Tone, Da Crime-Click, D-Dirt, Santerria & Big Stang
3. Yeah I'm Wit It
4. Bank feat. Santerria
5. B.O.C. feat. T-Rock & II Tone
6. Jump feat. II Tone & Big Stang
7. The Roll Song
8. Where Iz Da Love
9. These Hoes feat. La Chat
10. Ism feat. Mac Montese of Da Crime-Click
11. Pussy Stank
12. Til Death
13. Parking Lot
14. You Don't Want None feat. D-Dirt & Enigma[/list]

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BeitragVerfasst: 20.02.2008, 10:30 

Registriert: 30.12.2006, 13:38
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Wohnort: Berlin
Hat jemand das Album ? ... img075.jpg

Glass Entertainment.

02.But Ain't Noscrews In It
03.Heisa Middle Age White Male
04.Multiple Wounds
05.We Lost Him
06.Lady Killer
07.You Ain't Going Anywhere
08.I'm The Axe Murderer
09.Killer By Nature

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BeitragVerfasst: 20.02.2008, 12:09 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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$treetkiller hat geschrieben:
Hat jemand das Album ?

Wurde hier schon mal angesprochen, Seite 3: ... sc&start=0

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BeitragVerfasst: 22.02.2008, 01:26 

Registriert: 09.08.2006, 12:30
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kann mir einer evtl. mal erklären warum der ganze dirty south usw. in deutschland nicht so ankommt oder fast gar nicht vertreten ist?
ich war schon immer einer der mehr den underground shit hört, aber nachdem ich ja vor einiger zeit auch erfahren habe das 36 mafia ja gar nicht so unberühmt sind (vor langer zeit schon hehe) hab ich mich das dauernd gefragt, einerseits aber evtl. gut, dann hat man ne musiksparte für die kleine gruppe ;).

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BeitragVerfasst: 22.02.2008, 01:31 

Registriert: 17.10.2006, 11:58
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south kommt doch in deutschland an..

Mein eBay Store:

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BeitragVerfasst: 22.02.2008, 05:08 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Es fehlen die Vertriebsstrukturen die an der Ostküste jahrelang aufgebaut wurden, ein Label wie Groove Attack nur für Südstaaten-Rap wäre absolut undenkbar. Mittlerweile ist der Zug aber sowieso abgefahren, weil die deutsche Szene sich so explosionsartig entwickelt hat. Es besteht bei der breiten Hörermasse einfach kein nennenswerter Bedarf mehr nach amerikanischem UG-Sound, man sieht das sehr gut am Beispiel von (größtes dt. Forum), wo früher ganz allgemein noch relativ viel über US-Sachen diskutiert wurde - heute liegt der Schwerpunkt ganz klar auf Deutsch-Rap. Ich denke, dass das auch so weitergehen wird, die meisten HipHop-Kinder hören doch heute sowieso ausschließlich D-Rap. Von dieser Entwicklung sind die Ostküstler natürlich genauso betroffen. Allerdings sind die - zumindest habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht - viel besser organisiert, professioneller und zuverlässiger was Promos, Mailkontakte, Interviewabsprachen usw. angeht, das muss man einfach so sagen. Da sind im Süden viele faule Säcke dabei die nur die schnelle Kohle machen wollen... Oak Cliff Assassin und Evil Pimp sind zwei so Negativbeispiele. Besonders krass ist der Unterschied bei den Touren, selbst unbekannte Ostleute kriegen hier (zwar schlecht besuchte, aber wenigstens gut organisierte) Touren auf die Reihe mit Abstechern in die Schweiz und andere Nachbarländer - das wäre mit irgendwelchen Gangsta-Rappern aus dem Süden niemals möglich... das Problem ist zum Teil auch hausgemacht.

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BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2008, 17:38 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Kennt das jemand? Die waren auf dem ersten Album von Boss Bytch am Start, BB ist hier auch drauf...

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BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2008, 23:38 

Registriert: 10.12.2003, 01:59
Beiträge: 3474
Ist ne ganz geile Cd haben aber bis auf BB eher weniger mit Memphis zu tun. Kommen aus nem kleinen Kaff in Indiana. Style ist aber eindeutig Memphis orientiert. Hab noch eine zum Verkauf bei interesse ist aber nicht ganz billig :D

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BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2008, 08:18 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
Buddah Monk hat geschrieben:
Ist ne ganz geile Cd haben aber bis auf BB eher weniger mit Memphis zu tun. Kommen aus nem kleinen Kaff in Indiana. Style ist aber eindeutig Memphis orientiert. Hab noch eine zum Verkauf bei interesse ist aber nicht ganz billig :D

Ja, das mit Indiana habe ich auch gelesen, wusste aber die Stadt nicht und hab's dann mal bei Memphis reingepackt. Wie diese Connection zustande gekommen ist weiß man auch nicht?!

Sag mal per PM an was du dir preislich vorstellst.

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BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2008, 19:24 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 14:17
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Wohnort: M-Town,Germany
Don Di Maggio hat geschrieben:

Kennt das jemand? Die waren auf dem ersten Album von Boss Bytch am Start, BB ist hier auch drauf...

von wann ist die?

haut bestimmt gut rein, ihre auftritte auf dem bb album taugen mir auf jeden fall

Have you ever jacked somebody?... besides your dick ? :D

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BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2008, 19:57 

Registriert: 13.03.2005, 17:47
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naja...die auf dem bb album waren auch die besten auftritte von den

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BeitragVerfasst: 07.03.2008, 09:32 

Registriert: 10.12.2003, 01:59
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Hier mal nen Song:

Album ist von 1998 welche kleine Stadt in Indiana müsst ich mal das booklet irgendwann checken

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