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BeitragVerfasst: 05.12.2007, 15:49 

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poste bei so sachen mal bitte die links dazu...sonst kann ich das nicht richtig ernstnehmen. gerüchte gibts ja genug ;)

Hat der g-funkdafied viel Ahnung von Rap?Nein definitiv nicht! Ist er ein hurenbastard?Keine Frage!

G-Funkafied hat geschrieben:
ich lutsch slims pimmel

haha du bist doch der jude von dem avatar oder ? wie du halbes hemd am posen bist und denkst du wärst der gee ich bepiss mich.. dass du dich überhaupt noch traust hier die fresse aufzureissen nachdem jeder hier gesehen hat was für ein lappen du bist...ich scheiss auf dich und dein dämliches gelaber also halt die schnauze und nimm meinen namen nicht mehr in den mund sondern lieber wieder den penis von deinem vater :cool:[/quote]

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BeitragVerfasst: 05.12.2007, 15:52 

Registriert: 25.10.2006, 00:39
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Guck auch mal bei da steht was neues über Spice glaub ich und auch was über den Pimp..

"Ich wollte alles, nur nicht diese schreckliche Krankheit, die sich Arbeit nennt."

Kemper:"Ein Teil von mir sagt:"Ich würde gerne mit ihr sprechen, mich mit ihr treffen. Der andere Teil von mir sagt:"Ich fragt mich, wie wohl ihr Kopf auf einem Stiel aussieht?")

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BeitragVerfasst: 05.12.2007, 18:24 

Registriert: 23.03.2007, 18:15
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jo da stehen paar mehr details dabei :

Details Emerge In Spice 1 Shooting
Published: Tuesday - December 4, 2007
Words by Ronnie Gamble

Spice 1
Photo: Thug World Ent.

As previously confirmed by us, rapper Spice 1 was shot in Hayward, California on Monday (December 3). Now more details have emerged in the shooting.

According to, Police Lt. Reid Lindblom said that a 37-year-old man was recovering from a gunshot wound after being shot while sleeping in his vehicle.

Although Lindblom did not reveal the victim's name, it is most likely rapper Spice 1 (real name: Robert L. Green, Jr.).

Despite our previous report (see "Bay Area Rapper Spice 1 Shot, In Critical Condition"), Spice was shot once in the chest, not twice, which we confirmed with his manager Six.

"He was shot once, not twice as I first said," Six told "But, he is still at the hospital and we don't know much more about the situation. He is still alive and we should know more in the next couple days."

Lindblom said that he is being treated at Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley for non-life-threatening injuries.

Lindblom said that Spice was sleeping in his car in the driveway of his home, when at about 12:30 a.m., he realized that a man was standing next to his car. That's when shots were fired.

"A shot rang out. It went through the car window and hit him in the chest," he said.

There was nothing stolen from the rapper of his vehicle, and the man fled. The shooter was described as a white or Hispanic male about 5'7" tall and dressed all in black.

Police are investigating the shooting, and currently have no suspect or a motive for the shooting.

Lindblom encouraged anyone with any information call the Hayward Police Department at 510-293-7000.

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BeitragVerfasst: 06.12.2007, 10:47 
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also pays tribute to Pimp C, and sends out a shout out to Spice 1, who is still in hospital but is said to be on his way to recovering.


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BeitragVerfasst: 06.12.2007, 20:11 
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Spice 1 News Report (Video)


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BeitragVerfasst: 07.12.2007, 07:46 

Registriert: 23.03.2007, 18:15
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also versuchter diebstahl des SUV (sport utility vehicle) von der fahrerseite aus, spice 1 wacht dadurch auf, der einbrecher (wohl total zugedröhnt) geht auf die beifahrer seite, versucht es da und ballert dann nen loch überhalb der entriegelung rein. damit trifft er spice 1 und flüchtet anschliessend.

bin ja mal gespannt was der sich nun denkt "oh shit i shot spice 1" und spice 1 denkt sich "oh shit i gonna sell my new shit like bread".

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BeitragVerfasst: 07.12.2007, 21:47 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:18
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Spice 1 Recovering; He's Doing 'Really Well' Says His Mother

Bay Area rapper Spice 1 is currently recovering in an East Bay hospital after being shot early Monday morning (December 3) in front of his parents' Hayward, California home (see "Bay Area Rapper Spice 1 Shot, In Critical Condition").

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the rapper's family revealed that he suffered a collapsed lung due to a shot in the chest.

"He's in pain, but otherwise he's coming along really well," his mother, Jean Green-Craven, 57, told the paper on Thursday (December 6). "He's a very lucky young man."

His family revealed that Spice 1 (real name: Robert L. Green, Jr.) told them that he was sitting in his Cadillac Escalade outside their home, listening to music and talking to his girlfriend on the phone when he noticed that someone had walked up to the passenger side of the vehicle and tried to "jimmy" the door.

Spice then demanded to know who it was right before being shot.

According to the rapper's step father, 57-year-old Jerry Craven, it's possible that someone was trying to steal the car not knowing his stepson was inside, due to the vehicle's dark tinted windows.

So far, no motive for the shooting has been established and no arrests have been made, Police Lt. Reid Lindblom told the paper.

Craven also noted that he doesn't believe the shooting was rap-related


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BeitragVerfasst: 09.12.2007, 19:30 

Registriert: 30.06.2007, 16:08
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Spice 1 Speaks On Shooting From Hospital Bed

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Wie auf den meisten Songs fällt es Dougie auch hier schwer seine Aussagen in stilvolle Worte zu kleiden, auffällig inflationär tauchen die Worte "Niggaz" und "Bitches" auf. Wer damit Schwierigkeiten hat, der wird wahrscheinlich überhaupt keinen Zugang zu diesem Longplayer finden.

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.12.2007, 20:06 

Registriert: 09.10.2005, 19:15
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Sieht ganz schön lädiert aus der Alte. Aber Hauptsache er ist wohlauf.

Erst die Schusswaffe hat die Menschen gleich gemacht. Jetzt kann sich auch der Schwächste gegen Ungerechtigkeit und Unterdrückung wehren.

Alvaro Carrera

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.12.2007, 20:09 

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Kuck dir mal das Cover von der Dying To Ball an ;)

doin' dird bad

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.12.2007, 20:11 

Registriert: 25.07.2005, 21:56
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HAYWARD — Hayward rapper Spice 1 is still recovering from a bullet wound he suffered shortly after midnight Monday while sitting in his car in the driveway of his mother's home.

The 37-year-old Spice 1, whose real name is Robert Green, described the shooting by phone from his hospital bed Thursday night.

"I was just sitting in my car," Green said. "I parked in front of my mom's house. I went to sleep because I don't like to wake her up that late."

Green's mother, Jean Green-Craven, a medical assistant at Kaiser Permanente, said her son had been at a photo shoot all day Sunday and had eaten dinner at a friend's house before driving to her house on Chiplay Avenue late Sunday night.

Green was sitting in his black Cadillac Escalade listening to music, eating a plate of leftover spaghetti and probably talking on his cell phone, Green-Craven said.

She said her son often parked in front of the house and sat in his car while talking on the phone.

Green said he had dozed off, but then heard a jiggle at the passenger-side door. "So I woke up. I see the dude and I start banging on the window. He got scared and ran and fired the pistol while he was running away."

The bullet went through the passenger-side window, grazing Green's chin before striking him in the upper left side of his chest.

"I was going to go after him, but he ran," Green said. "I stuck my finger in the (bullet) hole. I said, 'Damn, that was a bullet wound!'"

said the shooter was wearing a hood, making it difficult to get a look at the man's face. However, the shooter was not wearing gloves and Green thinks he was Hispanic.

Hayward Police Lt. Reid Lindblom was able to release only a few details on the investigation of Monday's incident.

"We have a few leads that we are looking into, but it's nothing I can talk about at this point without compromising the investigation," he said.

Green's mother was in bed with her husband, Jerry Craven, when she heard a loud banging on the front door. She answered the door and saw her son pulling off his jacket and shirts.

"I can't believe those fools shot me!" he told her.

Green-Craven saw drops of blood falling onto her carpet and a hole in her son's chest. She called 9-1-1.

Green got a glass of water from the kitchen, saying he couldn't breathe, then collapsed, Green-Craven said.

An ambulance arrived and took Green to Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley.

He received several stitches where the bullet had grazed his chin. The bullet passed through his chest, puncturing his lung before lodging in the muscles of his back, Green-Craven explained.

"They couldn't get it out," she said. "He's going to have to live with that bullet."

Green explained from his hospital bed that a rod was placed in his side to get to his lung. Despite that, he seemed in good spirits Thursday and said he was doing well. "I'm holding it down," he said.

"He's in quite a bit of pain," his mother said. "But it's good pain because we know he's coming back. He's a strong man, so we know he's coming back."

Green grew up in Hayward and graduated from Mt. Eden High School in 1989. His rap career began in the early days of the Bay Area gangsta rap scene. In the 1990s, two of Green's albums went platinum, selling more than a million copies. Other recordings went gold, selling more than 500,000 copies.

Green, a prolific artist, has released more than a dozen albums since 1991 and has worked with a long list of rappers, including Tupac Shakur and Too $hort.

His latest album, Thug Association, was released this year.

Green-Craven said that her son has been living in Las Vegas for about five years but has been staying in the Bay Area and is planning to move back here.

Green-Craven and Jerry Craven said they had heard from neighbors that several cars in the neighborhood had been broken into the night Green was shot.

Lindblom said he was not aware of other auto burglaries in the neighborhood that night.

"Every neighborhood has some crime issues, but this is not a bad neighborhood," he said.

Jerry Craven said that their suburban street is too dark at night and that he wants better streetlighting. The couple suspects the shooting was the result of a random crime.

In a profile of Green in 2000, The Daily Review reported that Green had been involved in a rapid-fire shootout in the mid-'90s at rapper Too Short's studio in West Oakland. Sometime after midnight, gunmen fired several bullets into Green's Jeep, according to the article. It isn't clear what the motivation for the incident was.

Green, who wasn't hurt, reportedly jumped out of the Jeep and chased after the perpetrators, firing his .44-caliber Magnum at them as they escaped across a nearby field.

On Tuesday, a rapper Green had collaborated with in the past, Pimp C, whose real name is Chad Butler, 33, died while in bed in a Los Angeles hotel.

Green's manager, Scott Bibiano, also known as Six, said he did not believe there are any connections between Green's shooting and Butler's death.

"The chances of that happening to two legends in the rap game back to back are pretty slim," Bibiano said Thursday. "But it's two totally random things that happened to happen within a day of each other."

Butler likely died of natural causes, the L.A. County coroner told the Los Angeles Times.

Bibiano said that he and Green had returned from performances in Las Cruces, N.M., and El Paso, Texas, shortly before Green was shot.

He said Green's new album is selling well and that fans are concerned about the shooting.

"There's a lot of good support and a lot of love that he's been getting," Bibiano said.

Green said from his hospital bed that he has been getting e-mails from fans all over the country, as well as from Japan and Germany.

He also said he is working on a new album.

"The album I'm working on now, I'm just trying to drop some good music," he said.

Of getting shot, Green said, "It gives me something to work with."


Hat der g-funkdafied viel Ahnung von Rap?Nein definitiv nicht! Ist er ein hurenbastard?Keine Frage!

G-Funkafied hat geschrieben:
ich lutsch slims pimmel

haha du bist doch der jude von dem avatar oder ? wie du halbes hemd am posen bist und denkst du wärst der gee ich bepiss mich.. dass du dich überhaupt noch traust hier die fresse aufzureissen nachdem jeder hier gesehen hat was für ein lappen du bist...ich scheiss auf dich und dein dämliches gelaber also halt die schnauze und nimm meinen namen nicht mehr in den mund sondern lieber wieder den penis von deinem vater :cool:[/quote]

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.12.2007, 20:11 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:18
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Die Supereule hat geschrieben:


mit Westcoastpyjama :D


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BeitragVerfasst: 10.12.2007, 09:22 

Registriert: 23.03.2007, 18:15
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bei mir wird das leider nicht angzeigt

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BeitragVerfasst: 10.12.2007, 12:02 
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BlacPain hat geschrieben:
bei mir wird das leider nicht angzeigt

Versuchs einfach mal mit dem Link darüber...auf der Seite selbst sieht man das Pic auch.


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BeitragVerfasst: 10.12.2007, 12:35 
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Bei mir funktioniert beides nicht... :notsure:

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