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BeitragVerfasst: 11.10.2005, 08:00 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg

Ist ein Artikel aus der November-Ausgabe der XXL. Unbestätigten Gerüchten zufolge kommt das neue Album erst im November...

Hier ein Link zunm neuen Track "Caved in" mit Cee-Lo Green: ... cee_lo.mp3

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BeitragVerfasst: 11.10.2005, 17:33 

Registriert: 07.12.2004, 17:33
Beiträge: 299
die andren alben haben mir schon sehr gut gefallen ... wenn es später raus kommt auch nicht schlimm hab zeit :D

der track ist übrigends sehr schön ... sogar ceelo hört sich an wie ein mann ;)

danke knowbody

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BeitragVerfasst: 15.10.2005, 13:15 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Ein wenig überraschend:


QN5 Music is giving you the opportunity to own the beautiful 3rd LP, A Piece Of Strange, before it hits stores!

Limited Advance Release*:
[1 CD - Album Only]
*Ship Date: 11.18.05

*Pre-ordering through gives you access to EXCLUSIVE giveways not offered elsewhere! Details soon.

You WILL NOT be able to find this album in stores worldwide until 01.24.06 (when it ships as a special 2-Disc version with instrumentals)! So take advantage of this special pre-order opportunity now!

We ship ANYWHERE in the world.

CunninLynguists - A Piece Of Strange [CD] - QN5/LAU (11.22.05) [$11 + $4 Shipping & Handling] - The beautiful 3rd LP, A Piece Of Strange, will be released with limited distribution on November 22nd, 2005 and then distributed worldwide on January 24th, 2006 (NOTE: the first 5000 national chain-store copies will be a double-CD including instrumentals) via LA Underground Entertainment / QN5 Music. APOS features guest spots from Cee-Lo Green, Immortal Technique and Tonedeff and is entirely produced by Kno. Own it first!.

Pre-ordering through gives you access to EXCLUSIVE giveways not offered elsewhere! Details soon*.
Release Date: 11.22.05 // Ship Date: 11.18.05
*this item will be added to it's own shopping cart.

Offizielle Veröffentlichung also erst nächstes Jahr...

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BeitragVerfasst: 22.10.2005, 16:54 

Registriert: 08.03.2004, 21:22
Beiträge: 1399
Die Advanced Version schwirrt schon im Netz rum, hab sie mir vorhin gesaugt und höre sie grad zum 2. Mal.

Nach dem ersten Track den ich hörte ("Beautiful Girl"), befürchtete ich schon einen ähnlichen Absturz wie ihn All Natural meiner Meinung nach mit Vintage hatte.
Aber weit gefehlt, sehr schönes, melancholisches Album das eine ungemein dichte Atmosphäre aufzubauen weiß (ok das Wetter heute hilft vielleicht etwas :)).

Und Immortal Technique klingt extrem tief auf "Never Know Why", hätte den fast nicht erkannt.

!!! Suche:
Keylo - Giving Up The Funk (Ratatat only)
Blackalicious - Nia Instrumentals (bzw. Cliff Hanger Instrumental) !!!

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.10.2005, 01:13 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
The release dates for APOS is as follows...

1) Limited Advance Pressing @ Online and Select Retailers [11.22.05] [NO INSTRUMENTAL DISC]
2) Worldwide Retail Pressing @ All Outlets [1.24.06] [FIRST 5000 COPIES TO INCLUDE INSTRUMENTAL DISC]

Caroline is handling North America as before. The good news is we now also have distro in the UK/Europe via Groove Attack Distribution as well as distribution in Japan, Australia and a few other countries. This is the first time anyone on QN5 has had international distribution. A list of those few stores carrying the CD in November will not be given here, but a list of retailers will be provided in January.

The first 5000 copies distributed in January via these major distribution channels will be a 2CD set including album instrumentals. This means that if you pre-order the CD for November, or buy it online in November, you will not recieve this 2CD set. We had to convince the label to even release the album at all in November, and they felt this was a neccesary step to bridge the gap between appeasing the fans who can't wait and honoring the label's obligation to distributors. For those buying it online at major hip-hop websites, the freebies look to include a magazine and possibly an 11x17 poster. We hope to complete QN5 Remix Volume 2 by the release date so we can include this with QN5 pre-orders as well as some online sites, but we'll keep everyone up to date on that. I'm trying to get some surprise producers for it to go alongside QN5 Fam, so we'll see how it works out.

The original intent was to release APOS on October 31st, but there were problems with the paperwork on the label side of things that led to this staggered date even though our publicist has been working since August pushing the CD, and we turned in the master in plenty of time based on what we knew to be the turn around for an October release. We chose to put out this album via The LAU Entertainment because we trust the people in charge, they allow us to have 100% control and our percent of profit is not comparable to any other offer we recieved. The downside is, although well intentioned, we understood we'd have to endure some growing pains with the company as they are just now getting into the world of releasing records on a global scale. They promised us international distribution and they delivered, but unfortunately the fans will have to wait a little longer to get the CD, which I feel is well worth it and one of the best hip-hop releases in years.

Understand again, if we had it our way we would have released this CD in August, with worldwide distribution and videos on MTV. Unfortunately, we are still on the road to making everyone recognize our talent and at this point that wasn't an option. The past year has been very stressful in terms of putting this record out and CunninLynguists' business in general. SOS left the group at the top of the year when we were already about 4-6 songs into the CD. We've had 4 different tours fall through after being to the point of drawing up contracts, including Europe and the West Coast. We had a multitude of large indie labels show vague interest in the project only to be turned down or strung along. No offense to any parties involved as I am a fan of some of the acts on all the labels we went to, but to see some of the releases they chose to put out over a record like APOS (and those record's coinciding sales figures) is completely beyond me, yet solidifies my opinion that if we are going to succeed it will ultimately be on our own terms and through our own hard work. We've never been ones to wait around for a handout or act buddy buddy with artists we don't even like musically in order to get ahead.

I feel like we accomplished something really amazing on this record, so if it takes time for the world to see that in order to maintain our vision then so be it. As long as our fans believe in what we're doing, the movement grows.


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BeitragVerfasst: 10.11.2005, 22:13 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Without rehashing the past 3 months for the 500th time, this is just an update on APOS and it's impending release.

Early copies of the CD will only be available to those that have put in pre-orders through the QN5 Store (which will still be available for a few more days). Due to indescrepencies in our label's promises vs. reality, nobody on the planet besides us will have copies of APOS before the January 24th, 2006 street date. No hip-hop websites, no physical stores. We will not have copies of APOS for tour dates prior to November 22nd either. Those who pre-ordered will get your copies in the time promised, however. I fought for a better outcome, but ultimately it is not in my control. That's the way of the music industry, unfortunately.

Major online retailer pre-orders will go up soon for January 24th. Possible freebies include magazines, posters and RMX Volume 2. RMX Volume 2 will NOT be included with pre-orders because, although we were attempting to have everything in order by the 22nd as previously stated, as of now only 2 individuals have turned in their remixes and the CD will not be ready by then barring a miracle. As of now the pre-order will be autographed and the bonus will be a exclusive 5x5 vinyl bumper sticker.

For worldwide release, APOS will be available in CD and vinyl format. 5000 of the first 15,000 CD copies pressed will include the instrumentals as a bonus disc, and ALL vinyl LP's will be 3XLP sets with instrumentals included.

Although there have been label-side issues with the release of this album, the distribution is better than any previous CunninLynguists effort. We have distribution through Caroline, Groove Attack and a few other country-specific distros, including Australia and Japan. Details will be posted if/when I get them closer to release.

Every possible question that can be asked is answered here because this is the extent of the things I know and can speak on. In due time everything you could possibly want to know will be answered with periodic updates when things are in stone.

We have a busy 2 months ahead of us with the advertising push for APOS, pre-production on the DVD, and APOS Music production ventures (details on that within the next few weeks, one of which is a project we are AMPED about), so other than order specific questions regarding pre-orders such as changes of address and refunds (NOT ship time to specific countries, etc.) we will be scarce until record release.

Thanks to everyone for being patient.


Hätte nicht gedacht dass die nur mit einer Erstauflage von 15.000 Einheiten weltweit starten, insbesondere bei den Features... :notsure:

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BeitragVerfasst: 20.11.2005, 16:01 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Kleines Update zum Mr. SOS Album:

Sorry I've been taking so long to give you an update but I've been waiting to get a few things together so that what I was about to say was 100% official, because in this music game everything has to be pretty much 100% complete and turned in to get the official "release date". However, I guess I can go ahead and let you know what's in the works.

Ok. Dr. Strangelove will basically be one album in a 2 part album series. Before Dr. Strangelove I'll be releasing a short EP known as "The Pre Op" which is intended to help promote and prepare everybody for what they're about to hear just like my mix tapes. My older shit is meant to be like swimming in shallow water. It's still cool, but it isn't the same as jumping in the deep end... Dr. Strangelove will be like jumping in the deep end. And no, not going off the deep end. I did that a looong time ago. I'm just kidding.

Be on the look out for The Pre Op early early 2006 (Jan/Feb) followed by Dr. Strangelove about 3 months later.

And about that video, that was my fault. I see now that I was wrong to air an unreleased cl video without asking, but I really didn't intend to "leak" anything because I was under the impression that video was something we always wanted people to see, but I was wrong, and for that I am sorry. What can you do though. I really thought I was helping, but I understand how old and cheap it looks compared to what we all can do now, just look at Pack and Tone's videos in the video section of Everything we release now should live up to our newer and more "fuller" potential. So to everyone that saw it when it was posted, sorry for teasing you, but you weren't supposed to see that.

Stay tuned though. Lots more good shit coming soon.

Und ich hoffe dass das APOS Album nächste Woche bei mir eintrudelt, müsste eigentlich seit Freitag auf dem Weg sein... :yeah:

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.12.2005, 11:07 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Hat einer das Album schon und kann was dazu sagen? Ich habe es trotz Pre-Order leider immer noch nicht, die haben bei QN5 wohl ein paar Probleme die ganzen Vorbestellungen zu bearbeiten.... :rolleyes:

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BeitragVerfasst: 18.12.2005, 18:35 

Registriert: 08.05.2004, 02:00
Beiträge: 4320
Euronymous hat geschrieben:
Aber weit gefehlt, sehr schönes, melancholisches Album das eine ungemein dichte Atmosphäre aufzubauen weiß

hat mich überrascht, dass das album vergleichsweise so "ruhig" gehalten ist, hätte mir aggressivere beats gewünscht
dennoch sehr schöne tracks teilweise dabei

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.12.2005, 14:19 

Registriert: 23.05.2004, 16:29
Beiträge: 878
Wohnort: Langen (Kreis Offenbach)
Kann xnonamex nur zustimmen: War auch überrascht, dass das Album derart ruhig geworden ist, weshalb "A Piece Of Strange" auch leider nicht so meinen Geschmack trifft wie die beiden Vorgänger, v.a. nicht, wenn man vorher wie ich die aktuelle Three 6 Mafia rauf- und runtergespielt hat :bonk: Gute Musik ist es aber dennoch.

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BeitragVerfasst: 04.01.2006, 21:07 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Habe das Album heute nun endlich bekommen nachdem ich mich bei QN5 Records beschwert habe. Und ich muss sagen, dass mir das ganze nach den ersten paar Tracks sehr gut gut gefällt, schön relaxte Beats und Flows, so ein wenig im Outkast-Stil. Mal sehen ob das auf Albumlänge so bleibt...

Ach ja: Da die bei QN5 offensichtlich ein schlechtes Gewissen hatten, haben die mir das Album direkt zweimal geschickt :yeah: . Wer also Interesse an einem von Deacon the Villain und DJ KNO handsignierten Exemplar des Albums hat, schickt mir einfach eine PM.

P.S.: Offizieller Verkaufsstart des Albums ist übrigens erst in ein paar Wochen...

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BeitragVerfasst: 11.01.2006, 23:18 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
Beiträge: 23755
Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Heute ist dann auch endlich mal das kleine Paket gekommen mit dem APOS Album dass schon am 29.11.2005 abgeschickt worden ist :stupid: . Habe also wieder ein Exemplar (signiert und mit Sticker) zum Verkauf da. Bei Interesse PM...

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BeitragVerfasst: 13.03.2006, 19:55 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 02:53
Beiträge: 19393
Wohnort: Berlin
Hab mir in letzter Zeit öfter die Sloppy Seconds Vol. 2 gegeben und ich mag diesen melancholischen Sound einfach den die bringen.
Sehr guter Release. :thumbs:
"Piece Of Strange" kenn ich allerdings immernoch nicht.

Fand damals schon "Will Rap For Food" sehr geil,
aber hatte die irgendwie aus den Augen verloren,


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BeitragVerfasst: 13.03.2006, 20:03 

Registriert: 24.05.2004, 21:26
Beiträge: 2416
a piece of strange ist für mich ein neuzeit klassiker :thumbs:

bestes album der letzten jahre, seit ichs hab wie oft ich es komplett durchgehört habe. alleine heute schon zwei mal wieder :D


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BeitragVerfasst: 13.03.2006, 20:23 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 02:53
Beiträge: 19393
Wohnort: Berlin
Sycamore hat geschrieben:
a piece of strange ist für mich ein neuzeit klassiker :thumbs:

bestes album der letzten jahre, seit ichs hab wie oft ich es komplett durchgehört habe. alleine heute schon zwei mal wieder :D

Okay...muss ich dann unbedingt mal auschecken. :cool:
Ist echt krass was die immer so an Atmosphäre in ihren Instrumentals zusammenbasteln


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