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BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 16:15 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:18
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Wohnort: Schwabenländle
Bruno hat geschrieben:
Ich füll einfach seine Musik. :uglylaugh:

solange du sie nicht fühlst ist es okay


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 16:15 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:56
Beiträge: 5023
Bruno hat geschrieben:
Ich hab das Game Album, was is so schlimm daran ? Ich füll einfach seine Musik. :uglylaugh:

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 16:20 

Registriert: 03.03.2004, 14:55
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Wohnort: Midgard
WRONGKIND hat geschrieben:
ich finde das game album auch sehr gut :thumbs:


Du bist sowieso manchma' 'nen bisschen "anders" :razz: :D


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 16:30 

Registriert: 11.12.2003, 18:28
Beiträge: 3696
Face97 hat geschrieben:
Bruno hat geschrieben:
Ich füll einfach seine Musik. :uglylaugh:

solange du sie nicht fühlst ist es okay

Auch nich gerade der Hellste !? :uglydoublewave:

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 16:44 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:56
Beiträge: 5023
Der Witz war aber auch extrem anspruchsvoller Humor :uglyaua:

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 20:33 

Registriert: 11.12.2003, 18:28
Beiträge: 3696
Da ist Ironie natürlich wesentlich anspruchsvoller. :ugly_rock:

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 21:15 

Registriert: 12.10.2004, 15:02
Beiträge: 27660
Wohnort: Rotlichtmilieu...einfach bei Pimp klingeln!
jetzt wieder on topic...

gibts was neues zum gayme kaffeekränzchen? :ugly: auf vibe gibts das hier...

interview mit fuffzich:

Were you shocked [about The Game’s album success]?

I wasn’t shocked. I was kinda anticipating doing well, because I was on the record.

Besides that, do you think that [The Game] would have been able to carry himself if you weren’t on the record?

(Long pause) I think that he’s a really talented writer and I think in the future they’re going to get see him by himself and they’ll learn to love him.

I was at The Game’s album release party and I didn’t see anyone from Aftermath?

You must have been in New York. Aftermath is based in Los Angeles.


So the entire staff is based in L.A.


Look. When my record sold, I hadn’t talk to Dr. Dre until after my second week of sales. So, there were no album release parties on my record.

Will there be one for this one?

Probably not.

That’s not something that you’re into?

I never had a platinum party. If I did, I would have had to do it the first week.

Right now, you’re leading in a poll that asks, “Which rap artist will dominate music in 2005? “ The Game is second and you’re first right now.

That’s great. Do you understand that? My competition is me. Do you see that?

I probably know the answer to this, but are you confident that your new album will be as successful as the last?

Absolutely, I think better. I did everything on my first album for the first time. This time, I’m a little more experienced. I know what to expect. I figured out that there’s four things that it takes for you to be a celebrity or a star. That’s quality in material, performance, appearance and personality. And I found my comfort zone.

Now, they’re actually going to get to see more of me. In the beginning, you don’t know exactly what to allow people to see and what you shouldn’t allow them to see. And now I’m to the point to that it doesn’t matter… I’m content with where I’m at. It’s not even about finances at this point. It’s more about what I want to do creatively.

What do you want to do creatively?

Man, I want to… (50 never answers the question) They think it’s 2005, it’s 2050.

Yeah, somebody put that on []. Was that you?

I probably did. I don’t know if I told somebody to do it or not, but I’ll take credit for that one.

What does the “King of New York” title mean to you?

It doesn’t mean much. It says that you’re from New York and you’re in a great space creatively. It’s almost like a Grammy. They give it to you. It’s a status situation, but it does nothing for you. I get excited when the checks come.

I believe I didn’t receive a Grammy Award because my music is aggressive. So me being who I am, it didn’t allow me to win best new artist. Even when I outsold everything that was released that year. And I outperformed them as far as touring. So I continue to build projects and become such a stronger force in the actual music business that creatively, I try to keep coming up with stuff until I have a box full of their trophies.

So, you don’t desire to have the title?

The title isn’t really giving. You’ll have a guy selling 500,000 records saying he’s the “King of New York.”

So the bottom line is the checks?

Yeah, because you know what? For me it’s not just the checks. Creatively the biggest thing about creating music is, for me, to have the most people enjoy the music. So them purchasing the CD is an indication of people having the music.

So I feel like when you sale a lot of records, it’s not about the actual money. It’s about you actually reaching that many people- music wise.

I want to go back to last year, the 2004 elections and the “Vote or Die” campaign. Is it true that you didn’t vote, but you participated in the campaign?

Yeah, I didn’t. I didn’t vote because I actually had to have papers filed. I’m a convicted felon. Now I totally retained my right to vote and I can actually vote the next election.

Were you upset, was voting something you really wanted to do?

Yeah. Puffy even contacted me to be apart of it. In his conversation he was like he wanted to get more and more people to get out there and vote- the youth the younger generation. He was saying how important it was for them to see me actually involved with it and it takes a whole different demographic of people that’ll just be excited and more receptive to the idea.

Do you think the campaign failed? I don’t know who you were going to vote for, but a lot of people thought they were going to get Bush out of office.

I think it was a positive thing. It still got more people to go out and vote. The more people you get to exercise their right the better. People used to sit back and be upset about it and don’t do nothing about it.

I know that you’ve said that the media really highlights the beef. But it’s hard to not acknowledge the things that you put on wax, which gets out to everybody. I want to talk about the situation with New York not supporting you.

I said that wrong, when I said that. New York City, the consumers, regular New York City people, that just live in New York- support me. They buy my records. It’s the creative New York City. People who are aspiring artist, people who are…

Aspiring artist?

Yeah, they want to be artist.

Aspiring artist feel they have to attack 50?

You know music is based in New York? So all the major companies office space, representation, employees are at your access in New York. If you’re trying to be an actor, you should be heading toward Los Angeles. That’s where TV and Movie is. But in New York you should be here for music. And I’m based in New York City so the buzz got created on the streets of New York. It got me on Eminem’s radar in Detroit and Dr. Dre’s radar in Los Angeles. They were aware of that. People in New York City in the music business don’t like 50 Cent.


Because of my background. I think they were more afraid of the aura around me from where I come from.

Is it that different?

I think it’s a big difference from anyone coming from New York. Even New York City being a hometown market for me, my records go across the country faster than New York. New York City catches up. You know how you hear the radio playing and you hear 50 Cent all the time? You like, “Damn he’s all over the radio.” That’s because they’re catching up to the rest of the country at that point. They’re not giving me the initial support in the beginning. They jump on after the rest of the country is far out ahead of them.

I’m watching it, because I get a chance to look at the BDS report. I see where my record starts in certain places. I got a stronger response to a new record coming out than New York City. Everybody feels like a star in New York, if they don’t have what it takes, their homeboy do.

Zuletzt geändert von skreel am 05.03.2005, 21:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 21:15 

Registriert: 12.10.2004, 15:02
Beiträge: 27660
Wohnort: Rotlichtmilieu...einfach bei Pimp klingeln!
rofl, les ich jetzt erst...

Were you shocked [about The Game’s album success]?

IN DER TAT!!! :rofl:

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 05.03.2005, 22:11 

Registriert: 07.12.2003, 00:20
Beiträge: 3086
Wohnort: Köllefornia
Ich finde das peinliche Theater um The Gayme sehr unterhaltsam :D

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 Betreff des Beitrags: The Game @ The Vault, Long Beach
BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2005, 00:34 

Registriert: 10.12.2003, 19:06
Beiträge: 808 ... 45D8W7O0ZF

"G-Unit Can Suck My Dick"...

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: The Game @ The Vault, Long Beach
BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2005, 01:03 

Registriert: 11.12.2003, 23:01
Beiträge: 2731
Don Crisis hat geschrieben:

"G-Unit Can Suck My Dick"...

jaja, das würde ihm gefallen... :uglyparanoid:

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: The Game @ The Vault, Long Beach
BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2005, 09:51 

Registriert: 18.07.2004, 09:49
Beiträge: 396
dubcnn hat geschrieben:
What up everyone? Yes, another chapter in the G-Unit/Game drama was written last night at the Vault 350 in Long Beach. I wasn't able to attend, as I was handling things at a show of my own (more on that soon), but I was able to get the scoop on what happened at the show. My boy Juda Starr filled me in with what went down. He told me that Game was on stage and started yelling out "50 Cent can suck my dick, Young Buck can suck my dick, Lloyd Banks can suck my dick," and went on naming the entire G-Unit, as well as Violator (50's Management company). Courtesy of you can watch 2 clips of it. The first clip is very grainy and was shot in the VIP section, but you can see Game on stage starting the chant. The second clip focuses on the big T.V. screens, which makes it more clear and shows Game saying a name (e.g. 50, Lloyd Banks etc.) with the crowd ending with "Suck my dick." Check it out for yourselves.

Here is a review of the show writting by the homie "caffeine" from the boards:

"Gane starts off by telling the DJ....(Who happens to be DJ QUIK) "cut the muthafuckin music i wanna clear some shit up! Im in my home town!! Long Beach is right down the street from COMPTON" he takes off this bulletproof vest and the boy is HEATED!!! MADDD AS HELL! In Games wordz......FUCK 50 CENT ABOUT 100 TIMES....FUCK G-UNIT......THEN HE STARTS NAMING ALL OF THE G-UNIT LLOYD BANKS, TONY YAYO, ETC...calling them all bitches etc etc... saying if they wanna kill me they know where im at on the corner of wilmington and in cpt!

Then he told the story about the incident in NYC how once he heard what was being said from the G-UNIT camp he took his whole Cedar Block Set up to the radio station where G-unit was at. GAME said the G-UNIT camp went out the back way and told the security guards that there was some bloods outside causing trouble! GAME said that the security guard just came out blasting and got one of his homies.

So in all the songs he sang hes ripping the G-UNIT camp a new one!!! Killing them off....freestyling, FUCK 50 (I KIDD YOU NOT LIKE 100 TIMES) He gets cut off by LBPD rep that was watching over the show....then GAME is like im gonna end the night like this .......i heard and watch what 50 said on 106 & park!! but fuck that...dem Niggaz wanna try to work things out........I QUIT G-UNIT!

The GAME is no joke, homies!! Once we got outta the dam show it was crazy!!! they closed down like all of downtown long beach, there was cops in full riot gear, the ghetto bird, everyone ended the night chanting FUCK 50 F**K G-UNIT! GAME WALKED ALL THE WAY TO HIS DRESSING ROOM YELLING THAT!!"


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: The Game @ The Vault, Long Beach
BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2005, 13:42 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:56
Beiträge: 5023
breach hat geschrieben:
Don Crisis hat geschrieben:

"G-Unit Can Suck My Dick"...

jaja, das würde ihm gefallen... :uglyparanoid:


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BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2005, 13:53 

Registriert: 02.11.2004, 13:42
Beiträge: 3448
Wohnort: Belgium
damn 5 pages...i didnt know yall care that much for 50 or game..... :confused: :notsure: :stupid:


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 06.03.2005, 15:17 

Registriert: 08.05.2004, 20:21
Beiträge: 5151
Wohnort: Memmingen
Ich glaube dieses Jahr hat jeder mit jedem Beef! :ugly: :D

Dürfte wieder einige Gratistracks mit geilen Beats geben. Aus dem Beef gehen denk ich mal Lox und Fat Joe als Sieger!

Zum Thema G-Unit & Game:

Rapper sind zwar nicht die besten, aber die Beats sind oft Hammer! :thumbs:

Naja, mag ja selbst irgendwie die letzte SCC! War zwar nicht so gut wie die früheren Sachen, eher gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber gut für den Club geeignet.

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