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Kong & Spiega

“Kong and Spiega are family … they run together” ließ MIC-Producer Ravage verlauten, und so war es auch kein Wunder dass Jasmin Golic gleich beide Cousins zusammen für ein Gespräch für erwischte um aus ihnen ein paar Sätze zu ihrem musikalischen Werdegang, das Verhältnis zu MF Doom sowie ausstehende M.I.C-Projekte für 2006 herauszulocken.

The Reavers

The Reavers

What up Kong & Spiega? Please introduce yourself to the German audience!

Kong: Hey what up! I’m Kong from Queens, NY.
Spiega: Hey what up, I’m Spiega, cousin of Kong, from Long Island, NY.

Why did you choose the name “Kong & Spiega”? Are your traits similar to the powers those monsters have?

Kong: Well, Kong is a beast and I’m a beast. Kong wasn’t a quitter, I’m no quitter. So yes we are 1 in a kind.
Spiega: Well, I and Spiega have in common rare sightings, we enjoy solitude and when we spit it has to grab your attention.

Can you remember your very beginnings as MC’s?

Kong: Hell yeah! Rhyming in Doom’s room on a 4 track.

What were your influences at this time?

Kong: Rakim was my biggest influence.
Spiega: Kong was my biggest influence. He got me started. Then Rakim, Kool G Rap and Run DMC.

What has changed since then?

Kong: Basically nothing besides my attitude has gotten worse.
Spiega: 2 main changes responsible for everything. (1)Money – In a couple of years hip hop will be in stock market. (2) Life – The world is racing in 6th gear both towards Heaven & Hell.

How did you get hooked up with Grimm?

Kong: I met him through Doom.
Spiega: Kong is my cousin, he knew Grimm and he introduced me to the founder of M.I.C.

The Monster Island family is growing pretty fast, so can you tell us who’s in the M.I.C. at the moment and who’s not?

Kong: There are to many to name as far as who’s in. Who’s not is K.D., X-RAY and RODAN.

As far as I know, Kong’s solo album is about to drop very soon. What can people expect?

Kong: My album will be versatile.
Spiega: Styles are crazy. Just straight from the heart, NO tongue biting. Topics vary from relationships to warfare.

Any information about producers and/or features?

Kong: M.I.C. from old to new.

What other releases from the M.I.C. camp are in the works?

Kong: Well, Spiega’s album is in the works and albums from the new M.I.C. and the old M.I.C.

How did you get involved with the Reaver’s Project?

Kong: Billy Woods gave me a call about a project and asked if I was willing to participate and that project went so good that we just continued to do projects together, which in the process came the Reaver’s project.
Spiega: Billy Woods offered, we accepted…

Is it a one time collabo or can we expect more in the future?

Kong: There should be more.
Spiega: Probably something similar, but never the SAME.

Megalon is finally home, how is he doing?

Megalon: “STRESSED OUT!” However I’m working on my new album “NICKEL BAG”, so look out for it!

How do you feel about Doom’s hype?

Spiega: Hat off to him, do the damn thing. CAN WE EAT, TOO?

Do you listen to any other types of music besides rap?

Kong: I listen to variety of music, R&B, Old School and Hip Hop.
Spiega: Jazz, some Rock & Roll, R&B, just about anything melodic.

What’s bumping in your stereos at the moment?

Spiega: Right now, Megalon or Hassan Salaam, if not Jada or me and Kong.

If you could change something in the game what would it be?

Kong: I would take away all the rappers bragging rights. They not rappers no more, they’re braggers. Talking about what they got and/or what they’re going to get.
Spiega: The Game itself. Everyone caught up bragging about the dirt they do or how they not really rappers, but gangsters to the point they try to prove it by telling everyone who, what and where they’re doing it. Then they get caught up.

Do you think that the rap shit is something that you will love for the rest of your life?

Spiega: Of course. Rap is another musical form of expression that caught hell in the beginning from critics just like Jazz, Blues, Rock & Roll. It started off as black music and then evolve to every ones music.

Do you think that MC’s should retire at a certain age/point?

Kong: That depends on how nice they are and if they still can control the mic.
Spiega: Retire when your heart isn’t into it any more or when you feel you’ve accomplished your goals as an MC.

Are there any new cats from your area we should look out for?

Kong: M.I.C. and 5th ELEMENT.

Thank you very much for taking time out and doing this interview with us! Do you have any shout outs or last words?

Kong: Eat Early, Die Old and Remain a Prophet.
Spiega: Big up to GOD & all the FANS that support us, much love and thanks!

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