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Dougie-D scheint seine besten Jahren hinter sich zu haben – sein 2004 erschienenes Solo “Grown Man Shit” fand nur wenig Beachtung, in letzter Zeit hat sich der Guerilla Maabster leider leider auch ziemlich rar gemacht. Im Interview mit erzählt er, wie und warum im neuen Jahr alles besser werden soll…



What’s up Dougie-D – glad to have this interview with you. How are you doing?

I’m blessed and glad to do this with y’all. It’s a honor.

How was life as a youngster in the city streets of Houston?

Like most young niggas from the hood it was ruff, but I’m still pushin’. My musical roots: church choir for a lil while, school band and b-sides. I’ve always been hearing music and lovin’ it so I started writing songs at a young age.

How did Guerilla Maab come together as a group?

My bro Z-Ro started that when we was young niggaz going to school. It used to be a couple of other dudes down with the squad. But due to life shit changed and it left it to be me, Ro and Trae.

What’s your favourite Guerilla Maab album?

All of them. But people say “Rise”.

How come that you haven’t been featured on the latest records from Trae and Z-Ro?

We good, but I don’t know what’s gon’ happen. I’m just grindin’, doing me and I love my niggaz. But we grown and god bless us all is all I can say. Also K-Rino and the SPC: that’s my fam, so that’s simple and plain.

Your first solo record came out in 2004. Are you satisfied with “Grown Man Shit”?

Put it like this: I ain’t done.

What’s up with “Breakin’ Bread”, your project with Showtyme and Rapid Ric?

Well, me and Show been down for a while but we just now started doggin’ the game with each other. And Ric is a cool dude doin’ his thang in Austin and we fuck with him. So god put us in each other path and we gon’ let god do the rest.

When will your underground with with Lil B of S.L.A.B. be available?

We tryna’ push it out February 4th!

And what’s going on with some of that Dougie-D solo heat?

Really, my homies just be working in the lab. I go by if I hear some shit I like. I ask for it and it’s mine so I’m glad to be blessed to have favour from niggaz. But like I said, I ain’t done yet so somebody else gone give me something throwed.



What type of person is Dougie-D?

Well, I ain’t gon’ get into the “I’m a real nigga” shit cause niggaz know. But I guess I would say I’m just a ngiga tryin’ to change my life and get right with god and raise my kids and be successful in life. If I can help anybody I’m glad to do so and I’m glad god used me as a vessel to do that for niggaz. And that’s what it is.

What has been the greatest experience in your life up to this day?

I would say love. Not meaning like boyfriend and girlfriend but love in general because mothafuckas that you love is the only ones who can hurt you or da only ones you can be hurt about. And you gotta deal with that shit how ever it comes to you, even if it comes to you so bad that you feel like ain’t nothin’ left. You gotta find something in you to say fuck that shit, I got god and not even love can stop me, you feel me?

What are the biggest lessons you had to learn about life?

First: Muthafuckas look you in your eye and lie and betray you and say they love you at the same time. Second: Bitches ain’t no better. Third: God do hear thug niggas cry when they are sincere from the heart and he will help you change if that’s what you want. And he will show you righteous ways to get it if you will let him show you and put you on the paths where you need to be. Fourth: Be real to yourself first then you can be real with others. Accept your weaknesses and improve them and thank god for your strengths. And last not least: Don’t take nothing for granted and pray that by the end of the day that you have used that day well.

So how does your regular day look like?

Grinding, thinking, praying and having faith in what I can’t see…

Back to the music, what are your thoughts on screwed music?

Shit man, I don’t even know, so many niggas doing it now. But nobody can do it like “the king” DJ Screw. You know, I’m on “Y2Gray” and “Mashin’ In Millenium Mode” and something else I can’t remember ’cause I’m high all the time. But you know, that’s what it is.


H.A.W.K. & Dougie-D

The death of H.A.W.K. was a tragic occurrence to the S.U.C. – how did you work up the pain?

Really dog, all I did was paying my respect and praying for the fam and praying his soul made it to god. I feel like it did ’cause he was a real man, nigga, artist and person all around.

How will the future of the S.U.C. look like?

It’s going to keep on going ’cause no matter if the old niggas or da young niggas keep it going – it ain’t gon’ stop!

…and your thoughts about rapmusic like it is today?

Some niggas is just getting’ money – which is the goal, I know. But some niggas is really listening to mothafuckas and they have a voice on what they do and say. So make sure to keep it true as possible. I can’t say real ’cause niggas got different opinions on what’s real, so I say true. And try to use our music to help niggas as well as express yourself and get money.

One last question: what do you know about Germany?

I know that Hitler was from there. And I heard mothafuckas over there are cool as ice water. Well you know, since we’re in a new day and age and shit… but really, y’all just like us, just talk funny ass shit, just like us. Smoke weed, pop x and all that other shit to just another side of the world.

It’s still enough time to drop some words to the readers all over the place…

Stay true to you and the rest will do itself. Keep god first, pray if you do believe in god. Niggas take care of your kids. If you don’t know, it aint too late. If your baby momma trippin’, fuck it, keep trying and praying ’cause god loves the kids. Ladies, if you got a real nigga that loves your ass and does that shit that you like bitch, take care of that nigga. And niggas just as well take care of your bitch if she shows you that she’s 100% with you and all that good shit. Keep her, ’cause hoes and niggas got shit that will kill you so you might deal with what you already used to and be halfway safe with. That’s what it is…

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