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BeitragVerfasst: 21.08.2006, 11:14 

Registriert: 06.09.2005, 21:55
Beiträge: 6470
zu geil das ganze auch wenns eh, wie sein letztes album, wieder nur son album mit lyrics die er vorm knast aufgenommen hat sein wird

habs auf jeden fall schon vorbestellt, denn es wird wieder auf kenoes laboratory records erscheinen, also mit kenoe als executive producer und auch massenweise beats von ihm :love:

und meiner meinung nach is eh jedes turk album perfekt hier mal die disko

turk: young & thuggin (2001 cash money / universal)
turk: raw & uncut (2003 laboratory records /koch)
turk: penitentiary chances (2004 laboratory records / koch)
turk: still a hot boy (2005 laboratory records)

auf dem letzten waren übrigens kenoe & DJ TOOMP!!!!! executive producer und es is für mich eines , wenn nich das beste album von 2005 :thumbs:
und ich wette das neuste wird auch wieder edelst auch wenns nuren knast album is, aber seine letzten beiden sind das ja auch lol und die sind genau mein sound :thumbs:

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 21.08.2006, 11:20 

Registriert: 12.10.2004, 15:02
Beiträge: 27660
Wohnort: Rotlichtmilieu...einfach bei Pimp klingeln!
Soulja Slim B.G hat geschrieben:
und ich wette das neuste wird auch wieder edelst auch wenns nuren knast album is, aber seine letzten beiden sind das ja auch lol und die sind genau mein sound :thumbs:

:skreel: :D :skreel: geil!

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 08.09.2006, 21:41 

Registriert: 06.09.2005, 21:55
Beiträge: 6470
hab mittlerweile das neue album, perfekt :love:

is zwar mehr ne compi als en turk album, seine parts immer schön kurz und sogar ganze tracks ohne ihn und solche die man schon vorher kannte
lol :D
halt wies sich für jemanden gehört der wirklich im gefängniss is mit all seinen nachteilen anstatt nur für promo

aber die beats sind zu pervers wie immer bei seinen releases, offenbar ham wieder kenoe & dj toomp produced obwohl im booklet nix steht :yeah: :yeah:

und noch zu props an dieser stelle: turk hat bis jetzt 5 soloalben veröffentlicht davon 3 ausem gefängniss :D :D

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.09.2006, 13:21 

Registriert: 06.09.2005, 21:55
Beiträge: 6470
so habs mir jetzt etwa 50mal angehört und kann sagen, turk hat 2 neue parts auf den ersten beiden tracks, einen alten part auf dem 3ten track und en alten hook auf dem 4ten track ansonsten is er nich auf dem album :bonk: :bonk:

is eigentlich ne laboratory records compi schreibens halt mit turk an damit sie mehr verkaufen lol, aber das is mir völlig egal, die beats sind das mit abstand beste was ich in 06 gehört habe und auch all die anderen leute wo rappen gehen top ab, bis jetzt mein lieblingsrelease in 2006 :thumbs: :thumbs:

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.08.2007, 16:59 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:18
Beiträge: 31373
Wohnort: Schwabenländle
puddah, kannste den bitte nur in TURK umbenennen

Turk To Be Paroled And Released From Prison

Former Hot Boy rapper Tab "Turk" Virgil Jr. will be released from prison in the coming months and according to the rapper, he is going to take full advantage of his freedom.
Turk, an original member of the hit group The Hot Boys - which featured Lil' Wayne, Juvenile and B.G., was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2006, for his role in a 2004 shooting in a Memphis, Tennessee apartment that left several members of a local S.W.A.T. team with serious injuries...
The rapper went on trial in the controversial shooting, alleging that plain clothes officers raided the apartment, but never identified themselves as officers.
He was eventually convicted of being a felon, a drug addict and a fugitive in possession of a handgun.
Speaking to exclusively from prison, Turk revealed that since he has been incarcerated since 2004, he has served 30 percent of his prison time and is due to be released as early as November.
"I got the word last week on my parole. It's final, I gotta do a drug program and once I complete that I'm home," Turk told "I was sentenced to 10 years at 30%. I'm passed my red date. I been down 3 years and 6 months."
Turk maintained his innocence and denied being in a closet or firing the 9mm handgun that left officer Chris Harris with gunshot wounds to the jaw, hip and leg.
"He was initially sentenced to 12 years, that was reduced to 10 years. We ended up having a series of battles in court," Turk's trial attorney Javier Bailey told "The 12 years was supposed to be concurrent, but they tried to stack charges. Because a police officer was involved, they tried to charge him both federal and state courts. What ended up happening, was after we went to trial on gun possession charges in federal court, the jury came back [and] we worked out a deal with the state to run their charges with the federal charges concurrently. They agreed to it, but then they reneged. Finally what ended up happening was he came up to the parole board relatively quickly considering his sentence. The hearing officer agreed that Turk should be released, which they accepted."
According to Bailey, of Memphis-based Walter Bailey Law Firm, like officer Harris, Turk was lucky to be alive, considering the amount of rounds that S.W.A.T. Team officers fired into a small, Memphis apartment, allegedly in search of drugs, which were never found.
"There were 189 bullet holes in this small two bedroom apartment," Bailey told "The place looked like swiss cheese. These officers shot that place up and Turk didn't get hit once. It was like divine intervention."
Turk explained that he put his time behind prison to good use, reflecting on his past, while at the same time making plans to resume his recording career.
"I have seven full albums done telling my story that I wrote while I been locked up," Turk told," Turk told
The rapper also confirmed talks are still underway for a highly anticipated reunion album from The Hot Boys, all of whom have maintained very successful careers since the group disbanded in 2001.
"I've been hollering at Wayne, B.G. and we are definitely talking about a Hot Boy reunion," Turk said. "You know I have very good relationships with everyone. I don't have beef with anyone in the industry, and when I get out, I really want to work with everyone."
In addition to his album, Turk is focused on his business ventures as well, as he heads up the label YNT (Yung-N-Thuggin') Music.
"My first artist is Emani Da Made Woman," Turk told "I'm pushing her, she got a single that's hitting really big in Memphis right now titled "Like A N**a."
Emani Da Made Woman was also present when officers raided the apartment.
"The police kicked in my door, bullets was flying everywhere, I thought Turk was dead and I was next, I thought it was over," Emani said. "We made I got to hold it down, and make this money, we both got a second chance and I’ll die before I lose it."
Turk, who also fought a well documented addiction to heroin, is clean and has been so since 2004.
Still, the rapper is going through 500 hours of drug counseling.
"He's going through a drug prevention program that he voluntarily asked for," Bailey told "If you see him now, you wouldn't know him. He has been clean since 2004, but his drug of choice was heroin, so he asked that he be allowed to complete this drug program. It's a 500 hour program, but that doesn't prevent him to moving on with his life."


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BeitragVerfasst: 01.08.2007, 23:18 

Registriert: 18.05.2007, 13:41
Beiträge: 604
Wohnort: Hessen
hab ich schon gehört. vielleicht kommt da ja mal was ordentliches demnächst

Nur Gucken Nicht Anfassen

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.05.2008, 13:36 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:18
Beiträge: 31373
Wohnort: Schwabenländle
Turk Of The Hot Boys To Be Freed From Jail Soon

Tab Virgil Jr., known to the hip-hop world as Turk from the Hot Boys, could be getting out of jail soon, has learned.The New Orleans rapper and another man were arrested in January 2004 after a drug raid gone bad in Memphis, Tennessee. Turk was later charged with second-degree attempted murder for shooting a SWAT team member and took a “best interest plea,” which means he disputed some of the charges, but agreed on a set punishment. The special plea is intended to limit a potential longer sentence handed down by a jury...

He was eventually sentenced to 10 years behind bars. Turk also pleaded guilty to being a felon in possession of a firearm.Turk’s lawyers filed an appeal and he was granted permission to make oral arguments before the judge.In February of this year, the Court of Criminal Appeals rescinded Turk’s guilty plea, ruling that the rapper entered the plea without fully understanding the consequences.On May 27 Turk will find out if he’ll be released from jail, on time served, or if he’s granted a new trial.Either way, the rapper said he’s feeling good about his chances of getting out.“I’ll be home by the summer,” he told “My whole time was fighting, man. Just trying to get back in court and get back out. That’s how I stayed focused.”Turk said he’s written about seven albums worth of material, using instrumentals from current music tracks and beats he conjured up with his imagination. Refusing to fall behind, he said he’s also been keeping a close eye on the hip-hop scene, from music, fashion and business trends, through magazines, BET and MySpace.He also said he ran up a huge phone bill over four years keeping in contact with people in the industry. He recently announced he’ll be returning to Cash Money Records when he’s released.At press time, however, representatives for Cash money did not return inquiries made by to confirm Turk rejoining the company.“The only thing I benefited from with this time is a good relationship with my soon-to-be wife,” Turk explained. “And I done wrote so many songs that when I get out, I’ma be ahead of the game. I feel like once I just get out and put some beats to it … I can’t lose. I can’t fail. It’s gonna be all about Turk. Trust me.


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BeitragVerfasst: 16.10.2012, 15:55 

Registriert: 21.10.2005, 14:25
Beiträge: 2176
Wohnort: Berlin
Turk is aus'm Knast... ... ic?start=0

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BeitragVerfasst: 16.10.2012, 19:17 

Registriert: 10.07.2009, 18:27
Beiträge: 5840
Wohnort: Wetzlar
Gute News :thumbs:

"I like to decorate my living room with bloody flesh / and in my bedroom there are bodyparts from dirty sex".

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BeitragVerfasst: 02.12.2012, 02:45 

Registriert: 15.05.2007, 11:21
Beiträge: 3104
Wohnort: X-tal
Turk - Get Naked (Prod. By Drumma Boy)


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BeitragVerfasst: 03.12.2012, 13:13 

Registriert: 21.10.2005, 14:25
Beiträge: 2176
Wohnort: Berlin
Find ich eigentlich recht cool den Track... hoffe er bringt nächstes Jahr vllt 'n neues Album!
Wird mit den Beats stehen und fallen... aber generell gut, dass er zurück is! :up:

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.12.2012, 13:38 
Site Owner

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
Turk - Get Naked (Official Video)


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BeitragVerfasst: 02.01.2013, 18:00 

Registriert: 21.10.2005, 14:25
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Wohnort: Berlin
Turk feat. Lil Wayne - Zip It ... ayne-zip-3


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BeitragVerfasst: 05.02.2013, 20:22 

Registriert: 10.03.2006, 18:22
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Turk - I'm Still Here ft. B.G.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:




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BeitragVerfasst: 27.02.2013, 00:47 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
Turk Ft. Christian Radke - Closer to The Dream (Video)


Bild ... 54540.html


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