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 Betreff des Beitrags: Big Lurch Interview
BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 13:32 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
Ich mach ein Brief-Interview mit Big Lurch, falls jemand Fragen hat hier rein.

Telefon würde wohl auch gehen, ist aber nicht 100% klar, deshalb lieber auf Nummer sicher und schriftlich... :thumbs:


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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 15:11 

Registriert: 13.11.2007, 01:06
Beiträge: 5093
Die wichtigste Frage ist für mich ob wir jemals neues lurch Material erwarten können.Ich hab mal gehört das er im knast schon was aufgenommen hat,weiß aber nicht ob es stimmt.Am besten wärs natürlich wenn noch altes unveröffentliches Material vorhanden wär.Wie ist der Kontakt zu Doonie Baby & Rick Rock (den er mal als größten Big Lurch Hater nannte)?gehe mal davon aus das der kontakt schlecht bzw. Nicht vorhanden ist.Interessant wäre auch zu wissen wie er das treffen mit dr.dre empfand.oder der videoshoot mit mystikal und black c.Am liebsten würd ich natùrlich seine Version der Tat hören aber glaub kaum das er über seinen fall sprechen darf/kann.aber wer weiß :D Es gab auch Gerüchte das er massiv von rassistischen Wärtern der Haftanstallt drangsaliert und geschlagen wurde.stimmt das?wenn ja wie geht er damit um?wird er jemals wieder frei sein bzw hat er aktzeptiert fùr immer eingesperrt zu sein?Wie steht er heute zu Black Market und deren chef mr.Singelton (was ja witzigerweise auch Lurch's bürgerlicher Name ist).

Zuletzt geändert von Too_much_trouble am 23.08.2011, 21:16, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 16:38 
Site Owner

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
Beiträge: 35246
Wohnort: Stuttgart

Wo hast du das Zitat bez. Rick Rock her?


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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 16:41 

Registriert: 10.03.2006, 18:22
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Big Hutch..Big Lurch.. coole Namen mal wieder am Start! Respekt! :)




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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 19:28 

Registriert: 06.08.2009, 13:15
Beiträge: 1041
Too_much_trouble hat geschrieben:
Die wichtigste Frage ist für mich ob wir jemals neues lurch Material erwarten können.

ja aber in mieser Quali !

Suche : Greenwade - Nashville Underground Chapter 1
Daily Krusifixion "Daily Krusifixion"

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 19:30 

Registriert: 06.08.2009, 13:15
Beiträge: 1041 ... page#t=60s

big lurch

hatte die doku schon mal gepostet ...

Suche : Greenwade - Nashville Underground Chapter 1
Daily Krusifixion "Daily Krusifixion"

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 20:24 

Registriert: 13.11.2007, 01:06
Beiträge: 5093
sicx187 hat geschrieben:

big lurch

hatte die doku schon mal gepostet ...

VIELEN VIELEN DANK! Das hab ich gesucht ! :thumbs:

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 20:29 

Registriert: 13.11.2007, 01:06
Beiträge: 5093
bdm hat geschrieben:

Wo hast du das Zitat bez. Rick Rock her?

Habs vor einiger Zeit mal irgendwo im Netz ,glaube auf dem free3Xl blog , gelesen als man ihn nach Cosmic Slop Shop Tagen fragte.Anscheinend war auch ursprünglich ein Soloalbum mit Mike Mosley geplant statt der Cosmic Geschichte.

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.08.2011, 20:33 

Registriert: 06.08.2009, 13:15
Beiträge: 1041
Too_much_trouble hat geschrieben:

.Anscheinend war auch ursprünglich ein Soloalbum mit Mike Mosley geplant statt der Cosmic Geschichte.

:mad: hätte er das mal lieber gemacht

Suche : Greenwade - Nashville Underground Chapter 1
Daily Krusifixion "Daily Krusifixion"

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.08.2011, 10:35 
Site Owner

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
Beiträge: 35246
Wohnort: Stuttgart
Also ich schick das am Freitag raus, falls einem bis dahin noch was einfallen sollte...

@Sixc: Nette Doku, kannte ich nicht... :thumbs:


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BeitragVerfasst: 25.08.2011, 02:39 

Registriert: 13.11.2007, 01:06
Beiträge: 5093
Mich würd auf jeden auch sein Knastalltag interessieren :up:
Bekommt er regelmäßig Besuch und Post oder wie siehts da aus???
Wie steht er zu diesem "Cannibalistic" Movie der ja auf seiner Story basiert?Glaube der Macher des Films "T-Bone" soll mal ein guter Freund von Lurch gewesen sein der aus Lurch´s miesen Lage Profit machen wollte mit diesem B-Movie....Wie steht er zum "Its All Bad" Album?Hat er was davon gehabt oder haben sich die Labelleute da bei Black Market die Taschen voll gemacht?

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.08.2011, 02:46 

Registriert: 13.11.2007, 01:06
Beiträge: 5093
Hier noch ne kleine Anekdote von Big Lurch zu den Songs "I did it to you" , "AmeriKKKa" und dem "Its All Bad Album" hab ich gerad gefunden :up:

"Fuck Amerikkka" was written in late 1998, inspired by a bouncy Rick Rock beat & me being fed up with racial profiling tickets in my Mustang... Since Rick Rock refused to record solo material with me (His way of manipulating me into doing tracks with him & Doonie Baby), during the Cosmic Slop Shop days, I was only able to record one verse & let others hear it & they loved it. T-Bone, A gangsta out of Los Angeles let Milton Grimes hear it. After my auto accident in 1999, I was placed in mental institutions numerous times. During one of my stints in a mental institution, T-Bone coaxed Rick Rock out of my mothers phone number in Texas & alleged that Dr.Dre, whom T-Bone & I had previously had a meeting with in 1998, wanted to sign me. Being heavily sedated on Therosine, which effected my normal thinking process, I agreed to fly out to Los Angeles when I was released from the mental institution. When I arrived in Los Angeles expecting to see Dr.Dre, I was instead introduced to attorney Milton Grimes, the attorney in the Rodney King trial, & another Los Angeles gangster named Eric "E-Money" Brown. E-Money, T-Bone, & Milton Grimes explained that they were forming a label & that they wished to sign me & Roger Troutman II as label mates. They assured me that I would have my pick of the best production, & that they would even pay Dr.Dre for beats. I agreed to work on Roger Troutman II's project due to my respect for his talent & his fathers legacy. They stressed how much they admired the song "Fuck Amerikkka," though it was a little blunt. My friend Dez did the remix on the song, so I decided to make the beat slower since I could not find another beat to match the bouncy mob beat Rick Rock did. Plus a slower beat would make the song seam more like speech. The situation with the label didn't work out. They simply weren't my type of people, they lied too much. In Texas we trill. Real nigga's ain't gotta lie. I was warned that if I returned to Texas, I would be arrested. After returning to Dallas & being harassed by police, I was indeed arrested on drug charges. I received a message to call Milton Grimes, & when I did he asked if I was ready to come back to Los Angeles to do an album. I said yes; He came & got me a Dallas attorney, Tim Banner, & bailed me out of jail on an appeal bond. Upon reaching Los Angeles, it was the same non-stop drama every day, & since I'd rather avoid conflict, I recorded the album in a week to make them happy & get away from them. Before I could leave Los Angeles, I caught a murder case. In Los Angeles County Jail everyone is telling me about a song I wrote detailing the murder I was arrested for. I was disgusted because I have never written a song relating to any particular murder; I write fantasy murder. Come to find out, Milton Grimes had released "I Did It To You," a song that wasn't even supposed to be on my album, to the press & district attorney. That song helped me get convicted. To rub their moral standards, they then erased the "Fuck" & "KKK" out of "America," saying it was too blunt, as if adding "I Did It To You" wasn't blunt enough! My album was released after I was convicted, so therefore no particular songs were scheduled to be on my album. The last insult to injury was to name MY album "It's All Bad," using the hype of the song "I Did It To You" & my conviction as promotion. The album was supposed to be called "The Puppet Master."

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.08.2011, 06:21 

Registriert: 06.08.2009, 13:15
Beiträge: 1041
Too_much_trouble hat geschrieben:
Hier noch ne kleine Anekdote von Big Lurch zu den Songs "I did it to you" , "AmeriKKKa" und dem "Its All Bad Album" hab ich gerad gefunden :up:

"Fuck Amerikkka" was written in late 1998, inspired by a bouncy Rick Rock beat & me being fed up with racial profiling tickets in my Mustang... Since Rick Rock refused to record solo material with me (His way of manipulating me into doing tracks with him & Doonie Baby), during the Cosmic Slop Shop days, I was only able to record one verse & let others hear it & they loved it. T-Bone, A gangsta out of Los Angeles let Milton Grimes hear it. After my auto accident in 1999, I was placed in mental institutions numerous times. During one of my stints in a mental institution, T-Bone coaxed Rick Rock out of my mothers phone number in Texas & alleged that Dr.Dre, whom T-Bone & I had previously had a meeting with in 1998, wanted to sign me. Being heavily sedated on Therosine, which effected my normal thinking process, I agreed to fly out to Los Angeles when I was released from the mental institution. When I arrived in Los Angeles expecting to see Dr.Dre, I was instead introduced to attorney Milton Grimes, the attorney in the Rodney King trial, & another Los Angeles gangster named Eric "E-Money" Brown. E-Money, T-Bone, & Milton Grimes explained that they were forming a label & that they wished to sign me & Roger Troutman II as label mates. They assured me that I would have my pick of the best production, & that they would even pay Dr.Dre for beats. I agreed to work on Roger Troutman II's project due to my respect for his talent & his fathers legacy. They stressed how much they admired the song "Fuck Amerikkka," though it was a little blunt. My friend Dez did the remix on the song, so I decided to make the beat slower since I could not find another beat to match the bouncy mob beat Rick Rock did. Plus a slower beat would make the song seam more like speech. The situation with the label didn't work out. They simply weren't my type of people, they lied too much. In Texas we trill. Real nigga's ain't gotta lie. I was warned that if I returned to Texas, I would be arrested. After returning to Dallas & being harassed by police, I was indeed arrested on drug charges. I received a message to call Milton Grimes, & when I did he asked if I was ready to come back to Los Angeles to do an album. I said yes; He came & got me a Dallas attorney, Tim Banner, & bailed me out of jail on an appeal bond. Upon reaching Los Angeles, it was the same non-stop drama every day, & since I'd rather avoid conflict, I recorded the album in a week to make them happy & get away from them. Before I could leave Los Angeles, I caught a murder case. In Los Angeles County Jail everyone is telling me about a song I wrote detailing the murder I was arrested for. I was disgusted because I have never written a song relating to any particular murder; I write fantasy murder. Come to find out, Milton Grimes had released "I Did It To You," a song that wasn't even supposed to be on my album, to the press & district attorney. That song helped me get convicted. To rub their moral standards, they then erased the "Fuck" & "KKK" out of "America," saying it was too blunt, as if adding "I Did It To You" wasn't blunt enough! My album was released after I was convicted, so therefore no particular songs were scheduled to be on my album. The last insult to injury was to name MY album "It's All Bad," using the hype of the song "I Did It To You" & my conviction as promotion. The album was supposed to be called "The Puppet Master."

ha ha ...

Suche : Greenwade - Nashville Underground Chapter 1
Daily Krusifixion "Daily Krusifixion"

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