Who is Tucka da Huntaman? Well, contrary to the popular (and quite understandable) misconception, he's not Nine (D. Keyes). Tucka, who gets his alias from his real name: K. Tucker, came out with a single 12" in 1995 on Profile Records (same label as Nine). "Da Hunt Is On" b/w "Watch Your Back" (I went with the cassingle so you could see his picture, not included on the 12" sticker cover), to keep it brief, is dope. It's just a really good, east coast hardcore rap record, that's still sought after today (fortunately, it's not that rare), produced by Nine's producer at the time, Tony Stoute. And his voice sounds a lot like Nine.
Unfortunately, I can't find where I read it (dude, this was like 12 years ago), but I remember Tucka was a young MC coming out under the wing of a radio show host (Red Alert, I think it was) after making noise with some on-air freestyles. He first appeared on another Profile release, Bodyrock's "Groove With You Tonight (Crush Sounds Flippy Remix)" in 1994. But Tucka was only signed for a single 12" deal, and I guess Profile thought Tucka would forever be in Nine's shadow, or just generally didn't have a lot of commercial potential, because they didn't grab him for a full-length follow-up, and apparently he dropped out of the game entirely, never releasing any music again.