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BeitragVerfasst: 20.08.2006, 15:47 

Registriert: 24.03.2004, 13:55
Beiträge: 2424
Wohnort: Berlin
Schore hat geschrieben:
Stimmt, Israel sollte sich zurückziehen, sich einmauern und zuschauen wie sich die Libanesen selbst einen Kopf kürzer machen wie früher. Das wird im Irak sicher auch gut klappen, die sind ja schon fleißig dabei :thumbs:

So Shore du als Freund der Israelischen Außenpolitik kannst mir mal erklären was Israel jetzt im Libanon positives erreicht hat?

Man verdirbt einen Menschen am sichersten, wenn man ihn anleitet, den Gleichdenkenden höher zu achten, als den Andersdenkenden.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Einsamkeit ist der Weg, auf dem das Schicksal den Menschen zu sich selber führen will.

Hermann Hesse

Es gibt keinen größeren Fehler als haben wollen.

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BeitragVerfasst: 20.08.2006, 15:59 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:42
Beiträge: 17184
Wo ist der Sinn darin, dass du den Post zitierst, zu dem ich danach meinte, er sei nicht ernst gemeint gewesen?

Das Ergebnis wird sich zeigen, aber wenn die militärische Hisbollah-Präsenz im Süden zurückgedrängt wurde, ist das ein Erfolg. Der Hass in den Köpfen der Bewohner war sowieso da, da macht es keinen Unterschied mehr ob Israel militärisch aktiv wurde oder nicht.

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BeitragVerfasst: 20.08.2006, 16:03 

Registriert: 25.04.2004, 17:33
Beiträge: 3620
Wohnort: Berlin 65
Anstatt kleiner zu werden ist die Hisbollah durch diesen Krieg doch noch mehr gewachsen. Aber naja als Jude scheißt man drauf wieviele Kinder sterben und ob überhaupt was erreicht wurde. Taktisch und militärisch haben die Juden doch auf ganzer Linie versagt. Die Hisbollah geht meiner Meinung nach klar als "Sieger" aus diesem "Krief" hervor.

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BeitragVerfasst: 20.08.2006, 16:16 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:42
Beiträge: 17184
Die Nahost-Kriege resultierten doch sowieso immer im Verschieben von Stellungen der Parteien. So gesehen ist das heute absehbare Resultat kein anderes, und auch höchstens mittelfristig gesichert. Weiß nicht was ihr erwartet bei dieser zerfahrenen Situation.

Aber ich hab alles gesagt, ich lasse meine Meinung sowieso nicht von Einzelereignissen wie diesem ändern, Krieg ist Normalität, jeder sucht sich seine Meinung und Diskussionen sind sowieso ziellos aufgrund der vagen Informationslage.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 20.08.2006, 16:33 

Registriert: 24.03.2004, 13:55
Beiträge: 2424
Wohnort: Berlin
Schore hat geschrieben:
Wo ist der Sinn darin, dass du den Post zitierst, zu dem ich danach meinte, er sei nicht ernst gemeint gewesen?

Weil Israel sich jetzt tatsächlich zurückgezogen hat ;)

Schore hat geschrieben:
Das Ergebnis wird sich zeigen, aber wenn die militärische Hisbollah-Präsenz im Süden zurückgedrängt wurde, ist das ein Erfolg. Der Hass in den Köpfen der Bewohner war sowieso da, da macht es keinen Unterschied mehr ob Israel militärisch aktiv wurde oder nicht.

Wurde die militärische Präsenz der Hisbollah tatsächlich zurückgedrängt?
Die Ziele, die Israel hatte: Zerschlagung der Hisbollah, Befreiung der israelischen Soldaten & die Festnahme und Verurteilung der führenden Köpfe der Hisbollah sind doch allesamt fehlgeschlagen und ich bezweifle das die internationale Schutztruppe die Hisbollah davon abhalten kann Israel weiter zu beschießen.

Ich sehe es ähnlich wie Mysta Israel hat nur noch mehr Hass gesät und wird diesen auch irgendwann ernten.

Man verdirbt einen Menschen am sichersten, wenn man ihn anleitet, den Gleichdenkenden höher zu achten, als den Andersdenkenden.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Einsamkeit ist der Weg, auf dem das Schicksal den Menschen zu sich selber führen will.

Hermann Hesse

Es gibt keinen größeren Fehler als haben wollen.

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BeitragVerfasst: 15.09.2006, 10:15 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:42
Beiträge: 17184

A Study of Bias in the Associated Press

By Peter Phillips, Sarah Randle, Brian Fuch, Zoe Huffman, and Fabrice Romero

On October 25, 2005 the American Civil Liberties (ACLU) posted to their website 44 autopsy reports, acquired from American military sources, covering the deaths of civilians who died while in US military prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2002-2004. A press release by ACLU announcing the deaths resulted from torture was immediately picked up by Associated Press (AP) wire service, making the story available to US corporate media nationwide. A thorough check of Nexus-Lexus and Proquest electronic data bases, using the keywords ACLU and autopsy, showed that at least 95 percent of the daily papers in the US did not to pick up the story nor did AP ever conduct follow up coverage on the issue.

The autopsy reports provide positive proof of widespread torture by US forces. Our research team at Project Censored felt that this story should have been front page news throughout the country. Instead the story was hardly covered and quickly disappeared.
One of forty-four US military autopsy reports reads as follows: “Final Autopsy Report: DOD 003164, (Detainee) Died as a result of asphyxia (lack of oxygen to the brain) due to strangulation as evidenced by the recently fractured hyoid bone in the neck and soft tissue hemorrhage extending downward to the level of the right thyroid cartilage. Autopsy revealed bone fracture, rib fractures, contusions in mid abdomen, back and buttocks extending to the left flank, abrasions, lateral buttocks. Contusions, back of legs and knees; abrasions on knees, left fingers and encircling to left wrist. Lacerations and superficial cuts, right 4th and 5th fingers. Also, blunt force injuries, predominately recent contusions (bruises) on the torso and lower extremities. Abrasions on left wrist are consistent with use of restraints. No evidence of defense injuries or natural disease. Manner of death is homicide. Whitehorse Detainment Facility, Nasiriyah, Iraq.”

A second report describes how a 27-year-old Iraqi male died while being interrogated by Navy Seals on April 5, 2004 in Mosul, Iraq. During his confinement he was hooded, flex-cuffed, sleep deprived and subjected to hot and cold environmental conditions, including the use of cold water on his body and hood. The exact cause of death was “undetermined” although the autopsy stated that hypothermia may have contributed to his death.
Another Iraqi detainee died on January 9, 2004 in Al Asad, Iraq, while being interrogated. He was standing, shackled to the top of a doorframe with a gag in his mouth, at the time he died. The cause of death was asphyxia and blunt force injuries.
Anthony Romero, Executive Director of ACLU stated, “There is no question that US interrogations have resulted in deaths.” ACLU attorney Amrit Sing adds, “These documents present irrefutable evidence that US operatives tortured detainees to death during interrogations.”

Our research showed that the Los Angeles Times covered the story on page A-4 with a 635-word report headlined “Autopsies Support Abuse Allegations.” Fewer than a dozen other daily newspapers including: Bangor Daily News, Maine, page 8; Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque Iowa, page 6; Charleston Gazette, page 5; Advocate, Baton Rouge, page 11; and a half dozen others actually covered the story. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Seattle Times buried the story inside general Iraq news articles. USA Today posted the story on their website. MSNBC posted the story to their website, but apparently did not consider it newsworthy enough to air on television.

Given that nearly every daily newspaper in the United States subscribes to AP wire service and that AP had in fact sent out the torture story led us to question if story selection bias was widespread within US newspapers and if bias was evident within the AP system itself.

Associated Press

The Associated Press is a not-for-profit cooperative wire service for news at a national and global level. The mission of the AP is “to be the essential global news network.” It boasts of “distinctive news services with the highest quality, reliability and objectivity with reports that are accurate, balanced and informed.” The AP has 242 bureaus worldwide that delivers news report 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to 121 countries in 5 languages including English, German, Dutch, French, and Spanish and has 3,700 employees. In the US alone, 1,700 daily, weekly, non-English, college newspapers, and 5,000 radio and television stations receive the AP. The AP reaches over a billion people every day via print, radio, or television. Internationally, the AP has 8,500 subscribers. To subsidize revenue, the AP has sold selections of text, photo, audio, and video to commercial online operations. Annual revenues in 2004 were $630 million.

There are two types of members in the cooperative, regular and associate. The regular membership is only available to printed newspapers, mainly dailies, published in the US. It entails regular exclusive contributions of news to AP and entitles the member to a vote in elections for the AP Board of Directors. Associate membership is available to daily newspapers, some weekly newspaper, and broadcast stations but do not allow a vote in elections for the Board of Directors. Associate members also contribute news to the AP and receive the same services.

Members pay a subscription fee, based on the size of circulation, to have access to the newswire services. The smaller the circulation, the smaller the services and thus the smaller the number of stories available to the newspaper. If a story is run on the state wire, only those in that state will see the story. But if the story is more nationally pertinent then it will be put out on the national wire, and so forth up to the international level. Once the story has been put out on the wire, it is up to the individual member whether the story will go into their newspaper, air on their radio or television station.

The AP Board of Directors is made up of 22 newspaper and media executives including the Presidents/CEOs of ABC, Cox News, McClatchy, Gannett, Scripps, Tribune, Hearst, Washington Post and several smaller/regional newspaper chains. Two directors are members of conservative policy councils including the Hoover Institute and the Business Round Table. Three are on the board of directors of Mutual Insurance, and one is on the board of the world’s largest defense contractor, Lockheed Martin. The AP Board represents a solid corporate media network of the largest publishers in the US and provides a clear tilt towards right-wing conservative perspectives. (see appendix for full listing of AP directors)

Impeachment Movement and AP

Impeachment advocates are mobilizing widely in the US. Over 1,000 pro-impeachment letters to the editors in major newspapers were published during a six month period from October 2005 to March of 2006. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette letter writer George Matus says, “I am still enraged over unasked questions about exit polls, touch-screen voting, Iraq, the cost of the new Medicare…who formulated our energy policy, Jack Abramoff, the Downing Street Memos, and impeachment.” David Anderson in McMinnville, Oregon pens to the Oregonian, “Where are the members of our congressional delegation now in demanding the current president’s actions be investigated to see if impeachment or censure are appropriate actions?” William Dwyer’s letter in the Charleston Gazette says, “Congress will never have the courage to start the impeachment process without a groundswell of outrage from the people.”

Dozens of city councils, boards of supervisors, and local and state level Democrat central committees have voted for impeachment. Arcata, California voted for impeachment on January 6, 2006. The City and County of San Francisco, voted Yes on February 28. The Sonoma County Democrat Central Committee (CA) voted for Impeachment on March 16. The city council of Sebastopol California voted for impeachment in May. The townships of Newfane, Brookfield, Dummerston, Marlboro, Rockingham, Battleboro and Putney in Vermont all voted for impeachment in March and April. The New Mexico State Democrat party convention rallied on March 18 for the “impeachment of George Bush and his lawful removal from office.” The national Green Party called for impeachment on January 3. New Hampshire Democrats voted for Impeachment on June 9. Democrats in Maine called for Impeachment June 4. Vermont’s Democrat party called for impeachment in April, and an impeachment resolution was introduced into the Illinois Legislature April 24. Brookline, Massachusetts called for impeachment in late May of 2006.

Op-ed writers at the St. Petersburg Times, Newsday, Yale Daily News, Barrons, Detroit Free Press, and the Boston Globe have called for impeachment. The San Francisco Bay Guardian (1/25/06) The Nation (1/30/06) and Harpers (3/06) published cover articles calling for impeachment. As of March 16, 2006, thirty-two US House of Representatives have signed on as co-sponsors to House Resolution 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush’s impeachment.
Polls show that nearly a majority of Americans favor impeachment. In October of 2005, Public Affairs Research found that 50 percent of Americans said that President Bush should be impeached if he lied about the war in Iraq. A Zogby International poll from early November 2005 found that 53 percent of Americans say, “If President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider holding him accountable through impeachment.” A March 16, 2006 poll by American Research Group showed that 42 percent of Americans favored impeaching Bush.

Despite all this advocacy and sentiment for impeachment, AP has yet to cover this emerging mass movement. While AP has covered most incidental calls for impeachment listed above, they have not evaluated impeachment as a widespread national issue. Instead AP has covered impeachment very much like the Wall Street Journal’s editorial on March 16 which said it is the “the loony left” seeking impeachment, and perhaps some Democrats will join in feeding on the “bile of the censure/impeachment brigades.”

Along this line AP released a national story by Deborah Hasting on April 29, 2006 critical of former attorney general Ramsey Clark’s impeachment efforts. Hasting’s writes [Clark] “lives in a reality of his own making…” and went on to link Clark to an international “rogues gallery” of criminals including: Slobodan Milosevic, (See Chapter 14 for a discussion of Milosevic’s trail) Charles Taylor, Moammar Gadhafi, and Saddam Hussean. Hasting dismisses Clark and impeachment as “gullible and misinformed,” leaving out the fact that tens of millions of American agree with Clark’s position.
AP’s coverage of impeachment leaves one to question — if a national movement calling for the impeachment of the President is rapidly emerging and AP and the corporate media are not covering it, is there really a national movement for the impeachment of the President?

AP Bias on the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Alison Weir, Joy Ellison, and Peter Weir of the organization If Americans Knew recently conducted research on the AP’s reporting of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The study was a statistical analysis of the AP newswire in the year 2004, looking at the number of Israeli and Palestinian deaths reported. Specifically they looked at headlines and the lead paragraph coverage to determine what an average person would actually read.

The study found that there is a strong correlation between the likelihood of a person’s death receiving coverage by AP and that person’s nationality. In 2004 there were 141 reports of Israeli deaths in AP headlines and lead paragraphs, while in reality there were only 108 Israeli deaths, this difference comes from reporting a death more than once. During this same period, Palestinian deaths were reported as 543 by the AP, but at the time 821 Palestinians had been killed. The ratio of actual number of Israeli conflict deaths to Palestinian deaths in 2004 was 1:7, yet AP reported deaths of Israelis to Palestinians at a 2:1 ratio. In other words, the AP reported 131 percent of Israeli deaths, whereas they only reported 66 percent of Palestinian deaths.

The same could be said of AP’s reporting of children’s deaths. Nine reports of Israeli children’s deaths were reported by the AP in headlines and leading paragraphs in 2004, while eight actually occurred. Only 27 Palestinian children deaths were reported by AP when actually 179 children died. While there were 22 times more Palestinian children’s deaths than Israeli children’s deaths, the AP reported 113 percent of Israeli children’s deaths and 15 percent of Palestinian children’s deaths. Israeli children’s deaths were reported at a rate 7.5 times grater than that of Palestinian children.

The report also looked into how often the AP used the words “clash” and “clashes” in AP reports pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They found that of all the conflicts the AP reported in 2004, 47 deaths occurred during a clash, and all of these 47 deaths were Palestinian. AP covered over 700 news stories on deaths in Israel and Palestine in 2004, showing that while there is plenty of coverage of the conflict, the information given was significantly biased.

AP Bias on the Overthrow of President Aristide in Haiti

On February 29, 2004 AP widely reported that President Aristide was ousted by Haitian rebels and that the United States provided an escort to take Aristide out of the country to a safe asylum. Within 24 hours an entirely different story emerged that placed the US at the center of a forced regime change. Instead of the US being the supportive facilitator of Aristide’s safety, independent news sources though Pacifica radio news were reporting that Aristide was kidnapped by US forces.

AP quickly changed their story. On March 1, 2004 an AP report by Deb Riechman said, “White House officials said Aristide left willingly and that the United States aided his safe departure. But in a telephone interview with the Associated Press, Aristide said: ‘No. I was forced to leave.’ ‘They were telling me that if I don't leave they would start shooting and be killing in a matter of time,’ Aristide said during the interview, which was interrupted at times by static. It was unclear whether Aristide meant that rebels or U.S. agents would begin shooting. Asked to identify the ‘agents,’ Aristide said: ‘White American, white military.’ “They came at night ... There were too many. I couldn't count them,’ he added.”

Another account on March 1, 2004 by AP writer Clive Bacchus stated that “Aristide said he was being held prisoner at the presidential palace in Bangui, Central African Republic, according to Randall Robinson, former president of TransAfrica, a Washington-based group that monitors US policy toward Africa and the Caribbean and supported Aristide. ‘About 20 American soldiers, in full battle gear with automatic weapons, came to the residence ... took them to the airport, at gunpoint, put them on a plane,’ said Robinson, who currently lives on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts. ‘He said three times before he hung up 'Tell the world it was a coup, it was a coup.'“

The last AP report of Aristide exclaiming he was kidnapped by the US in a State Department coup was on June 27, 2004. Since then there have been 60 news stories by the AP with Aristide mentioned in the articles. Of these stories none mentioned Aristide’s claim that he was kidnapped by the United States military. None mention the US backing of the coup. There have been no articles examining claims that the US government sent 20,000 M-16s to the Dominican Republic, many of which ended up in the hands of the Haitian rebels, nor about how the US blocked arms sales to Haiti during Aristide’s presidency. Nor has AP covered that Aristide was elected in 2000 by 92 percent of the vote in an election declared free and fair by the Organization of American States.
Continuing stories about Haiti on AP’s wire since June of 2004 say Aristide was ousted by rebel forces with no mention US involvement. AP’s bias in favor of the State Department’s version of the Aristide’s removal is a deliberate re-writing of history and a documented case of AP-sanctioned forgetting.

AP’s Character Assassination of Cynthia McKinney

During the morning of March 29, 2006, Congress member Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) allegedly slapped a Capitol Hill police officer who has grabbed her while walking to a congressional session. According to AP accounts; “McKinney, 51, scuffled with a police officer …when she entered a House office building without her identifying lapel pin and did not stop when asked. Several police sources said the officer asked her three times to stop. When she kept going, he placed a hand somewhere on her and she hit him.” (AP March 30, 2006 Laurie Kellman, Washington DC). AP writer Giovanna Dell’Orto in Atlanta, McKinney’s home district, quoted DeKalb County commissioner Hank Johnson as saying, “Voters should hold her (McKinney) accountable for her irresponsible and reckless behavior.” Dell’Orto went on to include quotes from e-mails sent to the Atlanta Journal Constitution say that, McKinney should be “arrested,” and “she is a laughing stock because of her continued childish and boorish behavior.” (AP March 30, 2006 Giovanna Dell’Otto, Atlanta GA)

According to John Judge, (McKinney’s Chief of Staff) there have been repeated misidentifications of Cynthia McKinney by the Capital Police for the past year. The police have actually put McKinney’s picture up in their office to make sure officers knew her by sight. While AP reports made a significant issue of McKinney’s failure to wear her congressional lapel pin, (AP Aril 6, Editorial Roundup) Judge claims that members of Congress often do not wear their pins, and are recognized by police nonetheless.
AP’s Laurie Kellman did report on Black leaders coming to McKinney’s defense including Rev. Darrel Wlligan, the president of Concerned Black Clergy, and celebrities Danny Glover, and Harry Belafonte, (AP April 1, 2005, Kellman) but those reports quickly fell away to a piling on of negative comments in multiple succeeding articles.

“I don’t think it’s fair to attack the Capital Police,” Patrick McHenry (R-NC) (AP (April 5, 2005, Kellman)

“I don’t think any of it justifies hitting a police office,” said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (AP April 5, Kellman)

“She (McKinney) has a long history of racism,” said Tom Delay, former House majority leader. (AP April 6, Kellman)

“With a grand jury investigation and little support from House of Representative colleagues, Cynthia McKinney reversed course and apologized for an altercation…” (April 7, 2006 Kellman)

“Apology or not, US Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) should be held fully accountable for what appears to be her inexcusable conduct and attitude toward police authority.” (AP news release from editorials in Washington State April 8)

“Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney messed up,…apparently she realized that; she has since apologized on the House floor.” (AP news wire Editorials from Ohio April 17)

In a national AP release April 5, Doug Gross (Atlanta) traced McKinney’s history as the first Black woman elected to Congress from Georgia in 1992. “Known mostly for her flashy fashions, including braids and gold tennis shoes, McKinney had a brash style that made her a target for conservatives and an embarrassment to some of her more moderate democratic colleagues,” Gross writes. “She once said,” Gross pens…” that officials in the Bush administration had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks”… she had been criticized for her outspoken support of the Palestinian cause in Israel.”

In a TV interview on April 24, 2006 McKinney was repeatedly badgered by WGCL-TV (CBS) Atlanta reporter about the Capital Hill police incident. At the end of the interview an irritated McKinney said while still on film, “Oh crap, now you know what…” they lied to Coz and Coz is a fool.” Coz Carson is McKinney’s communication director. McKinney then immediately stated that her comments at that point were off the record, but the station aired her taped words anyway. CNN joined in the fray by broadcasting her comments, and AP released a wire report with the headline, “TV Station Catches McKinney Bad-mouthing Staffer.” (AP state and local wire April 24)

One supporter of Cynthia McKinney stated, “Cynthia is guilty of being in Congress while Black.” Undoubtedly racism is a factor in the coverage of this incident. However there seems to be even a bigger factor in AP’s coverage. McKinney represents a strong Black congresswoman, who has historically challenged the upper-class white establishment, especially the neo-conservatives in power today. (See Chapter 10) Her positions on 9/11, Palestine, and social class clearly come from a left progressive perspective, as she openly challenges the status quo. In it coverage of McKinney, AP has demonstrated bias towards the status quo and the powerful in the US.

Associate Press as Protectors of the Powerful

AP is a massive institutionalized bureaucracy that feeds new stories to nearly every newspaper and radio/TV station in the United States and the world. They are so large that top-down control of single news stories is literally impossible. However, our evidence clearly indicates a built-in bias favoring the powerful. ACLU evidence on torture is ignored by the corporate press and AP never mentions it again. The State Department’s position on Haiti becomes established history. Cynthia McKinney is bashed and marginalized. Coverage of the Israel-Palestine situation has a clear pro-Israel bias, and the national impeachment movement is totally ignored. The American people absorb these biases and make political decisions on skewed understandings. Without media systems that provide balanced, fair and accurate reporting democracy is faced with a dismal future.

Peter Phillips is a professor of sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored. Sarah Randle, Brian Fuch, Zoe Huffman, and Fabrice Romero undergraduate research interns with Project Censored.


Associate Press Board of Directors

Burl Osborne
Chairman of the AP Board since 2002
Director since 1993 and member of the Executive Committee of The Associated Press
President, Publishing Division from 1995 to 2001
Director from 1987 to 2002 of the Belo Corp.; Publisher Emeritus since 2001
Director at J.C. Penney Holding Company

R. Jack Fishman
President and CEO of Lakeway Publishers, Inc., that produces the Citizen Tribune for the Morristown, Tenn., area, along with the Tullahoma News

Dennis J. FitzSimons
Chairman, President and CEO Tribune, Co.
He is also a member of The Business Council as well as the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago,
Joe Hladky
President and Publisher, The Gazette Co.

Walter E. Hussman Jr.
Publisher, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Hoover Institution Board of Overseers
Julie Inskeep
Publisher, The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana

George B. Irish
President of Hearst Newspapers and a senior vice president of Hearst Corporation.
A past president of the Texas Daily Newspaper Association
He currently serves on the boards of the American Press Institute, the Newspaper Association of America, and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Millikin University

Boisfeuillet (Bo) Jones
Boisfeuillet Jones Jr., publisher and chief executive officer of The Washington Post, has been elected to serve as the Newspaper Association of America’s next chairman He also is a member of the University of Maryland School of Journalism Board of Visitors.

Mary Junck
CEO and Chairman of the Board of Lee Enterprises Inc. chain of 58 mid-West daily newspapers, Former senior executive positions at Times Mirror Company

David Lord
Board member of PAGE buying cooperative and the Newspaper Association of America. He is the current president of the Inland Press Association
Kenneth W. Lowe
President, CEO and Director of the E.W. Scripps Company

Douglas H. McCorkindale
At Gannett Co., Inc. he is the Chairman of the board, since 2001. He was the CEO and President from 2000 to 2005, and before that was the Vice Chairman from 1984 to 2001. Board of Directors at Lockheed Martin Corp. Continental Airlines, Inc. and Mutual Insurance Company Ltd

R. John Mitchell
Rutland, Vermont
He is the publisher of the Rutland Herald and long-time publisher of The Times Argus in Barre. He is a charter member of the New England Press Association Hall of Fame.

Steven O. Newhouse
New York, New York
He is the Chairman of which runs the Newhouse Papers online and owned by Advance Publications, Inc. which reaches newspapers, cable T.V. and the internet. He is also the Editor in Chief at the Jersey Journal in New Jersey.

Gary Pruitt
Chairman, president, and CEO of the McClatchy Company. He is a board member of the James Irvine Foundation; He is the Secretary of the Board at the Newspaper Association of America and has a seat on the board of directors at Mutual Insurance, Co.

Michael E. Reed
He is the CEO at GateHouse Media Inc., formerly known as Liberty Group Publishing, Inc. He is also on the Board of Directors at the Newspaper Association of America and the Inland Newspaper Association.

Bruce T. Reese
Salt Lake City, UT
He is the President and CEO of Bonneville International Corp,. He is also the Joint Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Broadcasters and on the Board of Directors of the Radio Advertising Bureau

Jon Rust
Publisher at the Southeast Missourian and the Co-President, since 2001 with his brother Rex Rust, at Rust Communications

William Dean Singleton
CEO of MediaNews Group Inc. He is a former Chairman of the Newspaper Association of America, and during his term worked on easing FCC regulations on cross ownership. MediaNews Group is the 55 percent owner of the California Newspaper Partnership, which with the help of Gannett Co. Inc and Stephens was able to purchase from McClatchy the San Jose Mercury and the Contra Costa Times

Jay R. Smith
President of Cox Newspapers, Inc. He is the former, 2005-2006, Chairman of the Board at the Newspaper Association of America. He is the Vice Chairman of the Board at the American Press Institute. He is on the Board of Directors for Mutual Insurance, Co. Ltd.

David Westin
President of ABC News since 1996. He is also a member of the board of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

H. Graham Woodlief
President of the Publishing Division and the Vice President, since 1989, of Media General Inc. He is the Board Chairman of Southern Production Program Inc.

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BeitragVerfasst: 16.09.2006, 16:42 

Registriert: 24.03.2004, 13:55
Beiträge: 2424
Wohnort: Berlin
Morgen sind wahlen in berlin :ugly:

ich hasse die landtagswahlen in berlin weil ich hier echt jede größere partei für unwählbar halte...

bei der letzten landtagswahl hat die cdu 17% verloren was ja nich schlimm ist leider haben dadurch fdp linkspartei ordentlich zugelegt.

linkspartei muß als stärkste partei in berlin verhindert werden allerdings siehts schlecht aus: cdu kommt aus dem tief nicht raus zumal einfach kein vernünftiger kandidat zur verfügung steht. Außerdem werden cdu und spd durch die grauenhafte bundespolitik weiter ins minus gehen. Die spd hat dann noch das problem "wasg" welche der spd gut 3-4% streitig machen könnten... :ugly:
außerdem will ich homo party könig wowi nicht noch 4 jahre als bürgermeister haben

und in m.v. siehts so aus als ob die npd in den landtag einzieht

Man verdirbt einen Menschen am sichersten, wenn man ihn anleitet, den Gleichdenkenden höher zu achten, als den Andersdenkenden.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Einsamkeit ist der Weg, auf dem das Schicksal den Menschen zu sich selber führen will.

Hermann Hesse

Es gibt keinen größeren Fehler als haben wollen.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 16.09.2006, 17:41 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 14:14
Beiträge: 6050
Wohnort: Berlin
Azazin hat geschrieben:
Morgen sind wahlen in berlin :ugly:

und in m.v. siehts so aus als ob die npd in den landtag einzieht

Deshalb sollte auch jeder wählen gehen, einzig schon allein um den einzug der NPD in den landtag zu verhindern.

Viel wird sich nach der wahl sowieso nicht verändern und ganz ehrlich, schlecht geht es uns berlinern doch nicht... ;)

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BeitragVerfasst: 16.09.2006, 21:00 

Registriert: 24.03.2004, 13:55
Beiträge: 2424
Wohnort: Berlin
Lost Citizen hat geschrieben:
Viel wird sich nach der wahl sowieso nicht verändern und ganz ehrlich, schlecht geht es uns berlinern doch nicht... ;)

Bis auf den Arbeitsmarkt (Arbeitslosigkeit), Kriminalität, mangelnde Bildung und der hohen Verschuldung gehts den Berlinern gut.. stimmt :razz:

Man verdirbt einen Menschen am sichersten, wenn man ihn anleitet, den Gleichdenkenden höher zu achten, als den Andersdenkenden.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Einsamkeit ist der Weg, auf dem das Schicksal den Menschen zu sich selber führen will.

Hermann Hesse

Es gibt keinen größeren Fehler als haben wollen.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 16.09.2006, 21:26 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 14:14
Beiträge: 6050
Wohnort: Berlin
Azazin hat geschrieben:
Lost Citizen hat geschrieben:
Viel wird sich nach der wahl sowieso nicht verändern und ganz ehrlich, schlecht geht es uns berlinern doch nicht... ;)

Bis auf den Arbeitsmarkt (Arbeitslosigkeit), Kriminalität, mangelnde Bildung und der hohen Verschuldung gehts den Berlinern gut.. stimmt :razz:

Das sind aber keine probleme die typisch für berlin sind, sondern die auch allgemein für deutschland gelten. Und vo nwas für einer kriminalität sprichst du denn bitte schön?

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 16.09.2006, 22:24 

Registriert: 24.03.2004, 13:55
Beiträge: 2424
Wohnort: Berlin
Gut die hohe verschuldung is in der tat deutschland sogar europa weit typisch.
Allerdings ist die mangelnde Bildung in berlin schon gravierend ein realschulabschluß in berlin ist z.b. nicht soviel wert wie in Bayern warum wohl?
Die Arbeitslosigkeit is auch Deutschlandweit verbreitet allerdings belegt Berlin mit einer arbeitslosenquote von 18,1% neben Mecklenburg-Vorpommern den höchsten rang. Zum vergleich Bayern hat eine Arbeitslosenquote von 7%.

So jetzt noch zur Kriminalität:
Berlin gehört neben Hamburg und Frankfurt zu den städten in denen die Kriminalität ziemlich hoch ist (mehr als 15 tausend straftaten pro jahr nach der Kriminalstatistik)
Besonders Problembezirke wie Wedding oder Neukölln sind hier zu nennen.
statistiken kannst du hier herholen:
und hier

Man verdirbt einen Menschen am sichersten, wenn man ihn anleitet, den Gleichdenkenden höher zu achten, als den Andersdenkenden.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Einsamkeit ist der Weg, auf dem das Schicksal den Menschen zu sich selber führen will.

Hermann Hesse

Es gibt keinen größeren Fehler als haben wollen.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 20.09.2006, 08:45 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 14:14
Beiträge: 6050
Wohnort: Berlin
Staatsstreich in Thailand


Die Putschisten wollen die Macht "bald abgeben". Die Weltgemeinschaft zeigt sich dennoch tief besorgt

Panzer vor dem Regierungsgebäude in Bangkok.

© Rungroj Yongrit/EPA/dpa

Nach dem unblutigen Militärstreich in Thailand haben die Putschisten angekündigt, die Macht »so bald wie möglich« an das Volk zurückzugeben. Das erklärte der Drahtzieher des Umsturzes, Armeechef Sonthi Boonyaratklin am Mittwoch im Fernsehen. Es sei nicht seine Absicht, die Macht an sich zu reißen und ein »Ersatzherrscher« zu sein, sagte er. Die Streitkräfte seien zum Handeln gezwungen worden, um Korruption, nationale Zerstrittenheit und Unterwanderung unabhängiger Behörden zu beenden. Während seiner Erklärung wurde General Sonthi von den Chefs von Marine, Luftwaffe und Polizei sowie vom Oberkommandierenden der Streitkräfte flankiert.

In der Hauptstadt Bangkok herrschte am Morgen nach dem Putsch Ruhe. An strategisch wichtigen Punkten der Millionenmetropole standen weiterhin Panzer. Die Weltgemeinschaft äußerte sich besorgt über den Staatsstreich, der am Dienstag während eines Auslandsaufenthalts des umstrittenen Regierungschef Thaksin Shinawatra stattgefunden hatte.

Medienberichten zufolge flohen die Familie und Vertraute Thaksins nach dem Putsch außer Landes. Seine Frau habe sich nach Singapur abgesetzt, meldete die Zeitung The Nation am Mittwoch. Die Putschisten, die sich »Verwaltungsrat für Reform« nennen, hätten eine Reihe von Ministern aus Thaksins Kabinett festgenommen.

UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan rief in New York die Thailänder unterdessen zur Ruhe auf. Die USA mahnten eine friedliche und demokratische Lösung der Krise an. Die EU forderte die Putschisten auf, zurückzustehen und den Weg für die demokratische Regierung freizumachen. Die Bundesregierung riet deutschen Urlaubern in Thailand, vorerst in ihren Hotels zu bleiben.

Annan äußerte am Dienstag in einem Interview mit dem US-Sender CNN die Hoffnung, dass das Land sobald wie möglich wieder zur Demokratie zurückkehren werde. Für eine konkrete Stellungnahme fehlten ihm aber noch die Informationen, sagte er am Rande der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Die UN würden einen »Regierungswechsel durch demokratische Mittel« immer unterstützen. In einem Putsch sehe er allerdings »keine zu fördernde Praxis«, sagte Annan.

Die Putschisten hatten in der Nacht zum Mittwoch angekündigt, die Macht schon bald an eine »Regierung unter dem König« abgeben zu wollen. Sie ernannten mit General Surayudh Chulanont einen Vertrauten von König Bhumibol Adulyadej zum neuen Regierungschef. Zudem erklärten sie Kabinett und Senat für aufgelöst, die Verfassung sei außer Kraft gesetzt. Es gelte das Kriegsrecht.

Der Militärstreich richtete sich vor allem gegen Regierungschef Thaksin Shinawatra. Wie das Militär ist auch die Bevölkerung tief gespalten über den 57 Jahre alten, schwerreichen Ministerpräsidenten. Er hat seine Anhängerschaft vor allem unter den Armen auf dem Lande, während ihm seine politischen Gegner vor allem in der Mittelschicht Machtmissbrauch vorwerfen. Anfang des Jahres hatte es in Bangkok wochenlange Massenproteste gegen Thaksin gegeben.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 20.09.2006, 09:08 

Registriert: 12.01.2006, 13:19
Beiträge: 297
naja ist ja halb so wild in thailand....
konnte ja nicht ewig so weitergehen!

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 23.10.2006, 00:27 

Registriert: 28.01.2006, 00:54
Beiträge: 289
in gedenken an die gefallenden beider seiten. gut gemachtes video.

Vive Dieu Saint-Amour!

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 10.05.2007, 22:28 

Registriert: 23.08.2005, 15:15
Beiträge: 5185
Wohnort: FFM
Kam hier irgendwie noch gar nicht an, Frankreich hat nen neuen Präsidenten :D von Mitterand über Chirac und jetzt Sarkozy :bonk:

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