Boah, ich bin grad echt auf 180.
Ich hab 'nem Griechen 'ne Copkiller CD von Body Count geschickt, anscheinend gibts wohl 2 Versionen von der CD, eine ohne Lyrics im Booklet und eine mit. Ich hab ihm wohl die ohne geschickt. Jetzt schickt der Psychopat mir so 'ne Mail
Dear Patrick,
Hi, I bought from you on E-bay the “Cop Killer” CD from Body Count, for which I paid with postal expenses 31 €. As it turns out, you send me a badly printed copy of the CD, which I’m sure you made yourself, because it is an amateur’s work.
I will kindly ask you to return the money or send me the original CD (which, by the way I used to own, so be sure that I know how it looks like). If you want the dupe (copied CD) I will send it back to you.
If you do not wish to do so, my friend will give you a bad feedback in E-bay. Not only that, I will make sure that all my friends that use E-bay will do the same. I will open an account in E-bay, only to give you the worst possible feedback. I will start asking all the people I know if they have an account in E-bay, and if they do, they will give you the worst possible feedback. I will make it a mission in life to destroy your dupe-selling account in E-bay.
Why? Because you exploit people’s love for music.
I was more than happy to pay the 31€ for the CD and I was badly disappointed when I received your dupe.
I should inform you that I will cancel the Pay-Pal transfer of the money, so you won’t get anything, something that will diminish further (open a dictionary) your reputation in E-bay and Pay-Pal.
Looking at the envelope you sent the CD in, I see you have your own stamp, which means you do that many times, possibly to make a living. I (we) will do my best to stop that.
I can scan the poorly made copy (and the envelope) and send it to as many E-bay users as I can.
Trust me, I have a big imagination
Thank you for your time,
P.S.: If you don’t answer this e-mail, I will contact my lawyer
Ich war danach so wütend, ich hätte ihm am liebsten geschrieben was für ein Arschloch das ist, aber damit mach ich ja noch alles viel schlimmer. Hab ihm auf jeden Fall 'ne Rücknahme angeboten, mal sehen wie er reagiert. Aber so 'ne Mail is schon harter Tobak
Looking at the envelope you sent the CD in, I see you have your own stamp, which means you do that many times, possibly to make a living. I (we) will do my best to stop that.
I can scan the poorly made copy (and the envelope) and send it to as many E-bay users as I can.
Kann mir einer sagen was das bringen soll?