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BeitragVerfasst: 15.11.2004, 07:50 
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Grim-Reaper hat geschrieben:
Low G ist der beste Dope House Artist

ich finde RASHEED ganz gut ... sind aber alles nicht gerade helden meiner meinung nach :D


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BeitragVerfasst: 15.11.2004, 08:35 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 02:53
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Wohnort: Berlin
chainsnatcha hat geschrieben:
Grim-Reaper hat geschrieben:
Low G ist der beste Dope House Artist

ich finde RASHEED ganz gut ... sind aber alles nicht gerade helden meiner meinung nach :D

Rasheed gefällt mir auch gut und natürlich Grimm!


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BeitragVerfasst: 15.11.2004, 08:52 

Registriert: 05.10.2004, 12:32
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Wohnort: OSTEN !!!
spm is einer der koolsten brownartists überhaupt... ;)


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BeitragVerfasst: 15.11.2004, 10:25 

Registriert: 16.09.2004, 12:24
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Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main
Ich finde seine Stimme geile so relext und die Lyrics sind auch zum schiessen.

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 11:26 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 02:53
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Wohnort: Berlin
Shadow hat geschrieben:
Carlos Coy aka S.P.M. was FRAMED !!!!! FREE LOS
Current mood: aggravated

If you don't know.. the real story.. then don't act like you do. Carlos Coy aka SPM... was framed. The mother of the nine year old, is the wife of Carlos's best friend for life Billy Stout. Billy and his wife Maribel Ramirez, are Jr. high school sweethearts.. and Carlos has known both of them for ever... way back when they were poor and a basically a neighborhood thugs... Billy, was his "crime partner".... Billy got locked up for I think 2 years..and while Billy was in jail, Carlos made the mistake of having a one night affair with Maribel.... Carlos always regretted this, and vowed never to tell Billy of his wrong doing. Maribel, held this over Carlos's head for many years.... well Carlos soon became SPM, and had struck it "RICH". Maribel was trying everything to blackmail Carlos from the start... telling him that if he didn't give her some money, she would tell Billy of the affair they had... Carlos was not, and is not the type to take to threats... so he ignored her... Way before the accusation that he had sexually assaulted her daughter, Maribel, had made it clear to Carlos that she was planning to ruin his life somehow, someway. It was as long as a year, before the accusation of the sexual assault, when Maribel, had convinced Carlos's wife, that he was fooling around with other women. Before he left the house at that time... he told his wife about the affair he and Maribel had years ago. Carlos's wife stopped being friends with Maribel at that moment. ...maybe a year had passed.. Carlos was back in his house with his family. I would say right before we started working on "Never Change," Carlos told me that his wife had mentioned that Maribel, was wanting to be friends with her again. Carlos thought nothing of it, and didn't say not to. Soon after that, Labor Day 2001.. Carlos's wife allowed Maribel's 9 yr. old daughter to spend the night.. with her and Carlos's 5 year old dauhgter. (that to me doesn't even make sense.. a 9 yr. old, hanging with a 5 yr. old.. anyway..) This, in my opinion, was the opportunity Maribel had waited for all this time, in order to frame Carlos. 10 days after that night. Maribel claimes that her daughter told her that Carlos had touched her the time she stayed the night with Carlos's daughter. (I have to mention that at 2 in the morning of the night she stayed over, Maribel's daughter complained of a stomach ache and Carlos took the little girl home... he even got off the car and ate menudo with the rest of her family before going back home.) ...Anyway, Maribel, after 10 days had passed, took her daughter to CPS.. but they told her that because it had been over a week since this alledgedly happened, and without any physical evidence, that there wasn't much they could do. She was so upset, that she told the CPS investigator, that Carlos had fathered a child with a 14 yr old, when he was 22. Now that was true... but what they don't tell you is... the mother of that child was a 14 yr. old posing as an 18 yr. old, so she could "strip" for a living... and that, that is where Carlos had met her. He was definately under the impression that she was of age... it wasn't until after they had sex, that Carlos had found out her real age.... but she got preagnant, therefore she was entitled to child support ... which Carlos gave her and continues to give her till this day. He even bought her a Lexus coupe to get around in. I believe, he took care of his son, for those eight years. Oh but, the CPS investigator opened a can of worms... when she began investigating this matter.... Carlos was a target for any girl who wanted to "gold dig." So when this investigator... was reaching more women willing to come forward..(quick money on thier minds...) telling stories of Carlos having sex with them when they were under age...... that's when they filed charges on him... I will never forget that day. He was so calm.. as if he wasn't afraid of the accusations, because he knew they were not true. I sat with him as he began to explain his story... hell I was eager to hear the details....almost entertained like it was some kind of a soap opra... 'cept it was a reality for him. CPS banned him from his own home and family. That hurt him more than anything. He started to loose his focus on life, without his family, he had a feeling of no use to live. Distracted he fell into a depresion with drugs and alcohol. But he soon realized his fate and began recording in the studio... day and night. Only a few of his true friends stuck with him... He had moved to a house in McGreagor. There he recorded "REVELIE PARK" with Filero, and began working on something called: "When Devils Strike." He cooporated with authorities and check him self in a rehab in San Antonio. He ran into some problems there, and returned to Houston, only to turn himself in at the Harris County Jail. He was incarcerated and the trial began. Shortly after, Los, was convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a minor without any physical evidence and with only one Mexican American on his jury. Nine females testified against him, including the mother of his eight year old son. The judge never believed Carlos's side of the story. The young girl, that Carlos was accused of assaulting, had a history of pcychiatric treatment since she was very young, and had problems with sleep disorders like sleep walking and "nightmares." During the trial, there was a time where the young girl had first testified that she thought what had happened was actually a dream. But the judge, ordered the jury out of the courtroom, and asked both attorneys to join him at the side bar. Shotly after that, the jury was allowed back in the courtroom, and the young girl re-testified that she knew it was real, and "not a dream," without a question. I will never forget that. On a Saturday, after a lunch break,( where we all went to Spagetti Wharehouse, the Defense, Prosecutors, and Jurors, all in our own little sections.) the jury returned to the courtroom with the verdict.... guilty. The following week he was sentenced to 45 yrs... without any physical evidense. Just the testimony of a young girl. ------------------------------ Oh, by the way.... there was a civil trial.... the jury in that trial saw the truth and awarded the parents of the young girl...$0.... zip...nada., punitive damages. All that for nothing. Poetic justice... one will never know. Also, I have to mention that when the mother told her father that Carlos had sexually assaulted his grand daughter, he had a heart attack and died, ... that's what Maribel testified to under oath in the first trial.... and what may have won the jury over for her during that trial. She also she toted a Bible in and out of the courtroom during the trial... claiming to be a church going person, and when asked, while on the stand, if she ever had an affair with Carlos Coy... she replied... "I've never had sexual relations with anyone other than my husband." Billy, at the time still had know idea that Carlos and her had thier affair. But it did come to light in the civil trial... Carlos went into every detail, on the stand, as to what happened on that regretful night... and I think that, that is what won the jury over for him in that trial...... Maribel and Billy both left the courtroom before the verdict in the civil trial... they must have known the outcome... they were suing Carlos for 2 million dollars, and got nothing. ....... what a trip huh. that's the real story.... I'll let you decide. FREE LOS....paz, SHADOW RAMIREZ aka TWINN....


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 11:28 

Registriert: 16.09.2004, 12:24
Beiträge: 8475
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main

du bist der grösste penner dieser erde...verpiss dich endlich aus diesem forum du alte scheisse...

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 12:20 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 15:30
Beiträge: 3658
Michi hat geschrieben:
Ich finde seine Stimme geile so relext und die Lyrics sind auch zum schiessen.



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BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 12:49 

Registriert: 16.09.2004, 12:24
Beiträge: 8475
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main
"I can't dance so I get Drunk and dance slow like a turtle"
der rappt einfach was in den sinn kommt und das mag Ich total :thumbs:

du bist der grösste penner dieser erde...verpiss dich endlich aus diesem forum du alte scheisse...

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 14:31 

Registriert: 27.07.2004, 11:38
Beiträge: 2952
der track You Know my Name ist einer meiner absoluten fav. track :love:

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BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 16:13 

Registriert: 16.09.2004, 12:24
Beiträge: 8475
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main
der Remix auf der "Time Is Money" ist aber grauenvoll ... aber die og Version liebe Ich auch ... meine lieblings Tracks sind "Hustle Town", "Streets On Beat" und "I Must Be High" :thumbs: :thumbs:

du bist der grösste penner dieser erde...verpiss dich endlich aus diesem forum du alte scheisse...

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 31.01.2006, 17:51 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 15:30
Beiträge: 3658
Michi hat geschrieben:
"I can't dance so I get Drunk and dance slow like a turtle"
der rappt einfach was in den sinn kommt und das mag Ich total :thumbs:

"mamamia i wanna buss something in aaliyah"



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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 01.02.2006, 08:13 

Registriert: 16.09.2004, 12:24
Beiträge: 8475
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Main
Daabl hat geschrieben:
Michi hat geschrieben:
"I can't dance so I get Drunk and dance slow like a turtle"
der rappt einfach was in den sinn kommt und das mag Ich total :thumbs:

"mamamia i wanna buss something in aaliyah"



du bist der grösste penner dieser erde...verpiss dich endlich aus diesem forum du alte scheisse...

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BeitragVerfasst: 12.02.2006, 12:15 

Registriert: 12.01.2006, 13:19
Beiträge: 297
hi hätte mal ne frage und zwar hab ich nen track von spm "follow my lead" müsste auf den purity album sein .... kann mir jetzt wer sagen wer da rappt? gut wäre auch wer welchen part rappt. achja bei bedarf kann ich das auch irgendwo hochladen. muss mir nur mal wer sagen wo :)

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BeitragVerfasst: 12.02.2006, 12:19 

Registriert: 02.11.2004, 13:42
Beiträge: 3448
Wohnort: Belgium
$TIM$ hat geschrieben:
hi hätte mal ne frage und zwar hab ich nen track von spm "follow my lead" müsste auf den purity album sein .... kann mir jetzt wer sagen wer da rappt? gut wäre auch wer welchen part rappt. achja bei bedarf kann ich das auch irgendwo hochladen. muss mir nur mal wer sagen wo :)

baby beesh, christian and spm ... jqoawalijb
its also mentionned in the cd booklet... ;)


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BeitragVerfasst: 14.02.2006, 15:17 

Registriert: 13.02.2006, 23:26
Beiträge: 28
Wohnort: South Australia
South Park Mexican is a legend!



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