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BeitragVerfasst: 23.01.2006, 15:03 

Registriert: 21.03.2004, 18:08
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Warlocc hat geschrieben:
nur das fünft beste natas album in meinen augen, aber trotzdem bin ich zufrieden...

Also nicht ganz das schlechteste sozusagen :ugly: ?

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.01.2006, 15:09 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 12:46
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
schlecht sowieso nicht, aber es klingt irgendwie nach nem stinknormalen rap album, deswegen meinte ich auch es ist mehr nen "Esham & TNT" album, natas feeling kommt bei mir nicht recht auf dabei... gut ist es trotzdem, TNT spittet ordentlich, E hat textlich wieder zugelegt, aber vom sound ist es etwas brav insgesamt - so extreme mörderbeatz wie auf godlike, und multi killionaire und doubelievengod gibts einfach nicht mehr...

find ich etwas schade dran, ansonsten ist es trotzdem ein cooles album, aber musikalisch sind wohl die grenzen spätestens seit godlike ausgereizt worden, seither aber wohl sogar dann das beste was E gemacht hat...


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BeitragVerfasst: 23.01.2006, 16:14 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 14:17
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Wohnort: M-Town,Germany
du sagst es, ist mir auch viel zu normal :D richtig gut gefallen mir eigentlich nur um die 2-3 tracks... bin auf jeden fall enttäuscht

Have you ever jacked somebody?... besides your dick ? :D

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BeitragVerfasst: 23.01.2006, 18:01 

Registriert: 21.01.2004, 17:21
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Wohnort: Bremen
ich find sie eigentlich deutlich besser als erwartet nachden letzten verkrüpplungen von esham :ugly:

aber man merkt einfach zu sehr das mastamind nich mehr wirklich dazugehört :notsure: und der war immer der beste rapper bei denen...deswegen is es wie locke sagte nich wirklich nen richtiges natas-album

Which would you choose: Bitches or Bud?
PlayBoy 7 - Bitches. You can get high and still have to clip your own toe nails. Bitches can do more for you than bud can.

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.01.2006, 01:10 

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:22
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Wohnort: cro
i like this new sounds more hardcore (with guitares) favorite songs --> "On my own" & "Once upon a time". :hurra:

Ay Caramba!

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.01.2006, 12:54 

Registriert: 21.03.2004, 18:08
Beiträge: 2106
Ich kenn bis jetzt nur zwei Tracks, den Titeltrack, den ich so lala finde und "Full Of Hate", was ein absoluter Hammertrack ist, der Beat und die Backgroundsounds sind sagenhaft und Esham's Part ist göttlich, so wie man es erwarten könnte.

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.01.2006, 14:26 

Registriert: 21.01.2004, 17:21
Beiträge: 11992
Wohnort: Bremen
evade hat geschrieben:
Ich kenn bis jetzt nur zwei Tracks, den Titeltrack, den ich so lala finde und "Full Of Hate", was ein absoluter Hammertrack ist, der Beat und die Backgroundsounds sind sagenhaft und Esham's Part ist göttlich, so wie man es erwarten könnte.

ja, full of hate gehört zu den besten songs auf dem album :thumbs:

das album ist mir im großen und ganzen zu "weich", die wenigen harten tracks sind aber einsame spitze wie schon immer

Which would you choose: Bitches or Bud?
PlayBoy 7 - Bitches. You can get high and still have to clip your own toe nails. Bitches can do more for you than bud can.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 06.02.2006, 19:34 

Registriert: 21.03.2004, 18:08
Beiträge: 2106
Hab's jetzt auch und bin zufrieden. Kleines bisschen langweilig vielleicht, aber musikalisch gesehen eins ahh!
Pancakes & Syrup!!
Die beste Esham Strophe ist für mich die bei Full Of Hate, Nightmare ist auch schwer in Ordung, geiler Gesang. Die Soundquali ist auch überwältigend, richtig gediegen. Das mit dem recorded around the globe ist auch ne coole Idee.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 07.02.2006, 20:57 

Registriert: 29.01.2004, 20:43
Beiträge: 2580
wo krieg ich das schätzchen?

Know we keep the best of green so you know I'm smoking ...

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 07.02.2006, 21:01 

Registriert: 11.07.2004, 09:01
Beiträge: 2436
Wohnort: Hessen ... 50-8964841

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 07.02.2006, 21:03 

Registriert: 29.01.2004, 20:43
Beiträge: 2580

Know we keep the best of green so you know I'm smoking ...

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 23.02.2006, 01:01 

Registriert: 24.05.2004, 21:26
Beiträge: 2416
bei dead men don't sing was hat esham da gesampelt? kommt mir bekannt vor nur komme ich nicht drauf :notsure:


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BeitragVerfasst: 24.03.2006, 05:46 
Globaler Moderator

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 11:18
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Wohnort: Schwabenländle


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 01.04.2006, 01:53 

Registriert: 16.02.2004, 16:30
Beiträge: 2222
Wohnort: Weinheim
jo bin nach zwangspause wieder da...vorläufig....

also werde hier einiges zusammenfassen.

wichtigste news. LAvel is der grösste assi der welt weil disst icp total lächerlich.

icp bzw sv haben son nigger hass song gemacht und der wurde nun geleaked...von esham....und lavel...HAHAHAHAHA
erinnert an qstrange die sache

abk will juggalonews leute töten weil die seine mucke umsonst abgeben hahahahah omannn hahahaha


twiztid machen free shows um kohle für lavels kranke tochter zu sammeln und nun sinds nazis.

also mir fällt da langsam eine konstante auf.... biggrin

scheiss nigger...

ABK, Esham, & Lavel diss ICP - 3/19/06 at 5:26am

So most of you know, Lavel just released a mixtape entitled Diamond Cutz Vol. 1 on his website, and he had a warning on his webpage that said "Now there is a caution that comes with the listening of this disc, and that caution reads 'YOUR FAVORITE RAPPER/ARTIST MAY BE LYRICALLY MURDERED ON THIS RECORDING'"

Well, those "favorite rappers" listed are clearly none other than ICP. On a track called "Rockstar", there's some disses that aren't exactly too disguised. Especially Esham's first verse, Lavel's "you owe me money" lines, and ABK's "Soopa" lines.

That ain't all though. I haven't listened to the whole album yet, but there's another track, just a Lavel solo, where he REALLY gets at ICP and other Psychopathic artists. This one ain't even subliminal...Lavel's clearly got issues with Psychopathic. The song is entitled "Grillz."

But is that all? Naaaaaah, not even close. The absolute biggest diss on the album comes in the form of the track actually titled "Lavel", where he just calls em' out by name.

The album also features the skit from Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP where he disses ICP and also features the Myzery track "UnTwiztid" which is a Twiztid diss song (by the way, no matter what the beef is between them, that's fucked up. A few years ago, Lavel's daughter Jewell was diagnosed with cancer, I think it was? Anyway, she was in bad shape and Twiztid did a benefit show, for free, to raise money for his daughter's treatment. In the end, she died anyway, but Twiztid was cool enough to do a sold out show to raise money for Lavel's dying daughter...and he's gonna go and do some shit like this? That's just shitty and unappreciative.)

So yeah, I dunno what happened between them but something tells me I'm gonna have a few new additions to the Psychlopedia section soon.

By the way, this is far from the only diss songs. Lavel disses ICP all over this album. It'll be interesting to see if ICP responds back.

Oh, one more thing. I'm not particularly worried if anyone gets upset about it so....I brought back the old school random link, for this update only. If you're interested in any of the songs mentioned above, you might wanna check it out. Enjoy. wink

*cough* sorry, bandwidth is a bitch when 1200+ people download an album *cough*

EDIT: One more thing, I've been seeing in comments, about that Eminem diss track on the album, where he's doing the whole "Violent Gay and Faggy 2 Dope" disses. That track is about 6 years old, so for those of you who think it's new and think Eminem is dissing ICP again, nah. It's old as shit. Some of y'all didn't know that, so I wanted to clear it up.

Okay, the last few days have been very controversial between a few major players. Lavel releasing his mixtape, where he, along with ABK and Esham, dissed Psychopathic Records, set the whole thing off. In the following days, we here at JuggaloNews posted the mixtape up on this site for download and conducted an AWESOME interview with Lavel yesterday. I highly suggest you go listen to it before reading the rest of this update.

No, really, I'll wait....

Now that you're back, in the interview at Faygoluvers, we here at were mentioned or referenced to quite a few times, so I'd like to address that.

One of the things he mentions in the interview was the fact that we posted ABK's Native Funk album up for download in our Rare Audio Section. Here's what happened with that, god's honest truth: we posted a lot of old, rare albums in there with no intention of fucking anyone over. We even state on there that, if it generates money for the artist, we'll be glad to take it down.

In the last few years, we've posted things that Psychopathic has asked us to take down. The key is, they ASKED us, always politely, and always understanding that maybe we just didn't know.

After we had the ABK album up for a couple of days, we recieved word that he was PISSED about it. So pissed that he actually threatened us to watch out for "some real eastside shit" if he ever ran into us.

So you want your answer? All you had to do was ask nicely and we'd have been glad to take it down. Instead, you came at us like a bitch, spitting stupid threats, so juggalos, the album is still there if you wanna download it. It's ABK's best work, hands down, beats anything he ever did with Psychopathic.

Now, on to Lavel. When the mixtape came out, my homie KayZew was one of the first to recieve a copy of it. I guess living in Michigan helps, I dunno. But he got a copy of it and he sent it to me and we posted it for a few people on our message boards to listen to.

When it got time for me to make a news update, I wanted to mention the songs that Lavel dissed them in and then post the seperate songs. Then I realized that it's kinda hard to do that when Lavel pretty much dissed them on damn near every song.

Not to mention, I was kinda pissed. It's like this, I don't try to get involved in people's beefs, and like Lavel said in the interview, it's nobody's business but his and Psychopathic's. But for him to put a diss song on that album about Twiztid, after Twiztid TRIED TO HELP SAVE HIS DAUGHTER'S LIFE a few years ago, was fucked up. In the interview on FLH, he addresses that song being on there, but quite frankly, he tries to dodge the issue. There's absolutely no good reason to put that song on there unless you're pissed at Twiztid. Just admit it. It's not my place to get pissed, but at the time, I was just like "Wow...what a shitty human being."

I'm a Lavel fan, for the most part. I own an ooooold-ass copy of his album The Awakening (the original, not the re-issue, baby!) and I think Nutty is a damn good album. But being a fan of his music doesn't mean I'm a fan of him and I thought doing that to Twiztid, after what they've done for him, was just wrong. So I was a little pissed on one hand, and on the other, there wasn't really another way to let juggalos hear the songs. If I posted every song he dissed ICP on, I might as well post the whole album, because that's what most of it is. You don't want us posting your album? Stick all your disses in one track next time.

Finally, Esham...I dunno, I really don't got much to say here. I'm a HUGE Esham fan, and have been for years. It's like when I went to Wrestlemania 21 last year in Los Angeles, when Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels were fighting, I didn't know who to cheer man! I was just like "Can't you see I love you both!? QUIT FIGHTING!!" I do think Psychopathic has been the "bigger man" in this by just focusing on their own shit and not getting involved in beef, and I wish Esham would quit shittalking them and focus on making this new Natas album a success. It's a great CD.

In closing, here's where it stands:

ABK - Fuck ya

Lavel - Nothing we did on this site was meant to harm your record sales or whatever in any way. I might not agree with what was said, but I don't agree with a lot of shit Psychopathic says and we don't post their albums out of spite. Your album got posted because quite frankly, the words on that album were BIG NEWS and that's what we do....we report news.

Esham - Bring that new tour to Memphis, please.

And for those of you still wanting to hear the Lavel mixtape, it's currently being hosted RIGHT HERE so click that and get your download on. Who knows how long we'll have it up, so grab it quick.

And Lavel, if you read this, it's this simple. If you want us to remove it, all you gotta do is ask and we'll be glad to respect that and take it down. But in the interview, you stated that you're giving it away for free, which is why we're putting it back up for now.

Posted By SCN

Psychopathic responds to the unreleased SV track - 3/24/06 at 8:12am

I gotta give Psychopathic props for not ducking the issue. They updated the Axe The Question section at and faced the question head-on, so let's see what they had to say:

Scrapped for a Reason

Some of you may have downloaded a certain unreleased Soopa Villainz track from the internet. This track has prompted an emotional response from the Juggalo community, including one very long, very heartfelt email from this ninja Josh. We had to edit it down a bit, but here's the idea:

"I've always really been into the overall message that was psychopathic. Anti-hate, unity... all of that... it's all a very near and dear thing to my heart...Tell me.... if you're so anti-hate... why did you gay bash so hard [on the unreleased Soopa Villainz track]?...please explain to me, as a life long juggalo, why it is you chose to make me feel bad about listening to you guys. It doesn't matter who you hate.... HATE IS HATE... plain and simple. I ask of you to please give me an explaination..."

When the members of the Soopa Villainz, in their Villainz personas, recorded this track, it was meant to have a lighter, more comical feel. It ended up having a more serious tone than was intended. Rather than go back and try to make it lighter, or more funny, they decided they just weren't feeling the whole idea of the track, and scrapped it. They realized the track could easily be seen as true hate, and deliberately decided not to use it on the album. Once the decision was made, the track was never meant to see the light of day. Due to unfortunate circumstances beyond Psychopathic's control, the track leaked out.

In short, we realized the track was stale, that's why we never released it.

So there you have it.

Posted By SCN

hab keine lust gehabt das zu zensiern, lest nur die nachichten^^ nicht die kommentare hehe.

Aber wo das alles noch hinfürhn???? voll der kinderkack, naja vielleicht auch nur promo alles.

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BeitragVerfasst: 10.05.2006, 18:40 

Registriert: 12.09.2005, 19:17
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Bald gibt es von Esham eine angeblich auf 100 Stück limitiertes Judgement Day Special Edition Box. Ist einiges Zeug dabei, kostet allerdings auch etwas über 100 $.

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