we strike again ...i guess this album is pretty dope.... look:
IT (Infininto & Thaione) - Low Income Housing
7 out of 10
written by Low Key
Some artists are stuck in the golden era of Hip Hop. Remember those days when the only thing that mattered was how well you rocked a mic? By the looks of it, many have forgotten, but not IT. Consisting of emcee Infinito (of Molemen fame) and producer Thaione Davis, IT is a product of Hip Hop's golden age. In fact, if you were not aware that this is 2005, than you would swear Infinito and Thaione Davis' debut album Low Income Housing was made ten years ago. With Infinito's poignant rhymes and Thaione's vintage production, the group succeeds in delivering an original and noteworthy debut.
While Low Income Housing may not be every listener's cup of tea, especially those wanting to hear a more "updated" sound. For those that grew up on early 90's boom bap, the album will find a place in your heart that has been empty for a while. Infinito's opening lines on "My Life Creation #63" epitomize the album perfectly. "I'm from a time when Hip Hop wasn't pop and the mainstream world didn't care about us". The blues and jazz influenced track is one of the albums true gems, with Thaione's triumphant horns adding some rich texture to the track.
The warm and soulful feel of the title track "Low Income Track" is another standout effort. Infinito delivers his own brand of social commentary and asks "black people to unite". More simulating knowledge is dropped by Infinito on "Acknowledge The After", while the group lightens up on other tracks such as "You Are Not It" and "Bubblegum Artist".
Infinito & Thaione's Low Income Housing is a welcomed change of pace in an industry infatuated with duplicating the hot trend of the moment. The album is consistently strong from beginning to end and it will captivate you with its intelligence and strong messages.