UG Rap Community |
In Gedenken an Eazy-E...R.I.P. |
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Autor: | Puddahmaan [ 26.03.2004, 23:05 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | In Gedenken an Eazy-E...R.I.P. |
![]() Das ist das Bild zu Füssen einer Mini Julius Cäsar Statue (mit ausgestreckten rechten Arm+Sockel) und zwei künstlichen Sonnenblummenblüten + Teelicht einen kleinen Eazy-E Altar bildet ![]() |
Autor: | deuce-five [ 26.03.2004, 23:11 ] |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Bild ist cool... ![]() ~~~~~R.I.P Eric Wright~~~~~ |
Autor: | Puddahmaan [ 26.03.2004, 23:17 ] |
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Man kann es nicht so deutlich erkennen, aber er dreht sich ne Tüte Gras mit nem 100 Dollar der fertige Blick...hat irgendwie was krasses...denke jedes mal er weiss auf dem Bild schon von seiner Krankheit...vielleicht ist er aber einfach nur extrem |
Autor: | deuce-five [ 26.03.2004, 23:19 ] |
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Deswegen find ichs ja auch cool ![]() |
Autor: | Cobra [ 27.03.2004, 02:56 ] |
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Eazy-E .... tja das waren noch Zeiten ![]() |
Autor: | AK-DOG [ 27.03.2004, 13:57 ] |
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Hinter ihm ist auch glaube ich bizzy bone wenn mich nicht alles täuscht. peace ak-dog |
Autor: | Puddahmaan [ 27.03.2004, 14:07 ] |
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ak-dog hat geschrieben: Hinter ihm ist auch glaube ich bizzy bone wenn mich nicht alles täuscht.
peace ak-dog Ja...ein sehr junger Bizzy Bone...hehe |
Autor: | AK-DOG [ 27.03.2004, 14:09 ] |
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Puddahmaan hat geschrieben: ak-dog hat geschrieben: Hinter ihm ist auch glaube ich bizzy bone wenn mich nicht alles täuscht. peace ak-dog Ja...ein sehr junger Bizzy Bone...hehe sieht man schon an seine carhartt mütze. peace ak-dog |
Autor: | Face97 [ 27.03.2004, 14:57 ] |
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Rip.....wennn ich diesen Thread lese..kommts mir voll, man, man, würde dieser Typ noch leben....der würde die alle zerfetzen. |
Autor: | Face97 [ 27.03.2004, 15:38 ] |
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Autor: | Face97 [ 27.03.2004, 15:42 ] |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Eric "Eazy-E" Wright got the whole U.S.A plus the rest of the world to wake up when it came to the blacks situration in the American comunity in the middle of the 80's. Under his alias, Eazy-E, he started a record comapny, -Ruthless Records-, with help from money that he had collected on the streets, and created the gangsta-rap, a part of hip hop that had millions of head lines all over the world. 31 years old, he died, only 2 months after that he fund out that he had AIDS. He was born in Compton in a middle-class family in 1963, he became a criminal in the teenages, the life as a gangsta didn't have the plans for the future that Eazy-E were dreaming of, so after he compleated school, he started in the music industry. He was born in Compton in a middle-class family in 1963, he became a criminal in the teenages, the life as a gangsta didn't have the plans for the future that Eazy-E were dreaming of, so after comleated the school, he started in the music buisnes. Together with Ice-Cube, Dr.Dre, MC Ren and DJ Yella, he putted together one of the most controversial rap group ever, N.W.A (Niggaz With Attitudes) in 1986. When their "Boyz n' the Hood" started to conquer the lists in USA, they putted Compton and Los Angeles on the rap-map. With fat bases and heavy funk, Boyz n' the Hood soon became the national-anthem of hip hop. Everybody that were living in the so called "projects" (the slum) suddenly had something that wertr their own, a song with lyrics that showed the hard reallity that got the "white America" to tripp. That was just the begining. With N.W.A, Ruhtless Records got a dream start and 1989 the album Straight outta Compton, that was a real classic were out. The fans cellebrated. With soungs like Fuck the Police and Gangsta, Gangsta they made the FBI and the LAPD fear and the politicans started to show interests in hip-hop but not in a positive way. The gangsta rap also splitted into two camps betwen those who thought N.W.A just described things as they were and those who thought that hip-hop had a responsibilty to take and don't encurige and glorify that violence that was about to strangle the Latin Americans and the black people. In the middle of that Eazy saw how his life work was falling apart. Ice-Cube left first, then to be followed by Dr.Dre that started Deth Row Records together with Suge Knight, with artists like Snoop Doggy Dogg, Tha Dogg Pound among others. It was hard for Eazy-E when Dr. Dre left Ruthless Records. It was the end of N.W.A when Dre left, with out him, they didn't have any one to create the beats. Plus that the old members started to sue each other, and if that wasn't enough, they came out with solo albums were they didn't back for anything just to diss eachother, Eazy-E eaven publiced pictures of Dr. Dre in eye-liner and lipstick on his second solo album, It's on (Dr.Dre) 187um Killa 1993. Eaven dogh it wasn't eazy, Eazy-E continiude on his way, hard-headed he stuck to his visions and his gangsta mentality. In 1994, he got into contact with the group Bone Thugs n' Harmony" from Cleveland. Eazy-E sure could find talents, and Ruhthless once again had a group that could sell millions of records. Just then, fate stroke with all it's power. Eazy-E's self buring lifestyle demanded it's tribute. A cold showed up to be a inflamation of the lungs, may seems like a piece of cake, but not in this case. AIDS the doctors confirmed and two months later he was dead. After 11 523 days on the earth, Eric Wright died the 26th Mars 1995, in a hospital bed, with only his family at his side. |
Autor: | Schore [ 27.03.2004, 16:02 ] |
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![]() ![]() ![]() |
Autor: | Noodlez [ 27.03.2004, 16:12 ] |
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R.I.P. ![]() |
Autor: | Alex [ 27.03.2004, 17:41 ] |
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Face97 hat geschrieben: Rip.....wennn ich diesen Thread lese..kommts mir voll, man, man, würde dieser Typ noch leben....der würde die alle zerfetzen.
Yep, das würde er ![]() |
Autor: | Warlocc [ 31.03.2004, 13:01 ] |
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26.03 war doch der todestag, und ich hab's versemmelt... wollte doch irgendwas auf der website dazu machen... erst verpass ich sein geburtstag am 07.09. und dann sowas... ![]() ab jetzt trag ich ihn in den kalender ![]() @face: wenn er gelebt hätte, hätte Dre vielleicht nie ein "comeback" gefeiert... bis zu seinem ableben kam ja nicht mehr große gegenwehr gegen ruthless... mann, was hätten die alles reissen können mit dem Line Up... Dresta, BGKO, Kokane, Frost, Ren, Yella, Bone, ATL... ![]() RIP 11523 |
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