masta-snowman hat geschrieben:
ich habe irgendwo was vonwegen gehört das Grimm jetzt eine 3CD Box mit neuem Material rausbringen wollte, stimmt das ?
On September 20th, MF Grimm will release American Hunger as a (drum roll) triple CD!!! I know...."Gotdamn that's a lot of music" but check what Grimm had to say....
"This album is a big bowl of blood for a blood thirsty nation. Love, Hate, War, Peace Jealousy. America is a place where everyone loves you when you're a star, but those same people will also call for your head. So many people became stars here with such tragic endings. Is that the price for fame? I decided to make it a triple CD of all new material because it's never been done in hip hop before."
The title represents not only the album but an entire movement. MF Grimm is also launching a web platform which will be a lifestyle web magazine where writers for national publications as Urb, XXL and more can write about whatever they want with no editorial censoring. The site will not only speak on society and MF Grimm's political views but also extend to showcasing new artists, businesses, food and health columns, even down to clothing and make-up. - Andreas Hale