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BeitragVerfasst: 01.10.2008, 13:22 
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Knowbody hat geschrieben:
10 - Da Flow feat. EST , The Man They Call Lux , Ital The Ruffian , Lavee & Ruggedness Madd Drama

Cool, sogar Ital The Ruffian mit dabei, von dem hätte ich nach "The Enemy" auch gerne noch mehr gehört. Hab eben mal nach ihm gegoogelt, aber das gibt's so gut wie keine Infos. Hab nur auf einer Fan-Compi noch einen Track gefunden bei dem er dabei ist: Hearoshima & Ital The Ruffian - Gun Tongue (1996) ... der Name Hearoshima sagt mir aber auch überhaupt nichts...


Hab hier auf der Website von Kixx Records doch noch eine Meldung von August 2004 gefunden:

Kixx Records reunites with dancehall emcee Ital tha Ruffian
for the club-banga single "Matin' Season." The single was produced by no other than Philly's hot female producer Steph Pockets.

Wenn, dann würde mich allerdings eher älteres Material interessieren.

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.10.2008, 13:33 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Ich meine es gäbe noch mehr von Ital the Ruffian, aber unter einem anderen Namen, ich muss nochmal schauen. Fand sein Album (habe es glaube ich von Dir) aber nicht so überragend, plätscherte so gemächlich vor sich hin ohne große Aufreger... :razz:

Habe mir dieses Fat Cat Clique Album mal geholt, sieht interessant aus. Der Track ist auch auf so einer Art "Best of" Compilation der Fat Cat Clique drauf, die nennt sich "ode to the cool cat", da kommt man relativ leicht ran (zumindest an den Re-Release...

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.10.2008, 14:15 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
Knowbody hat geschrieben:
Ich meine es gäbe noch mehr von Ital the Ruffian, aber unter einem anderen Namen, ich muss nochmal schauen. Fand sein Album (habe es glaube ich von Dir) aber nicht so überragend, plätscherte so gemächlich vor sich hin ohne große Aufreger... :razz:

Habe mir dieses Fat Cat Clique Album mal geholt, sieht interessant aus. Der Track ist auch auf so einer Art "Best of" Compilation der Fat Cat Clique drauf, die nennt sich "ode to the cool cat", da kommt man relativ leicht ran (zumindest an den Re-Release...

Wo hast du's her und wieviel hast du gelegt? CD-Format nehme ich mal an? Würde mich auch interessieren...

Zum Ital The Ruffian Album: Ja, ich hab's ja auch nur durchschnittlich bewertet, aber ich hör mir sowas z.Z. immer noch lieber an als die tausendste Fließbandveröffentlichung aus den Reihen der AOTP...

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BeitragVerfasst: 01.10.2008, 15:14 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Ja, CD-Format, was anderes kommt für mich ja eh nicht in Frage. Habe so umgerechnet ca. 25 € gezahlt, scheint recht rar zu sein das Album, habe es nur bei amazon gefunden und bei keinem der anderen einschlägigen CD-Dealer a la ebay und Konsorten...

Was deine Abneigung gegen diese Fließbandreleases angeht, bin ich derzeit auf einem ähnlichen Trip, nicht erst seitdem ich vor ein paar Tagen das Cold Case Files Album von Onyx bekommen habe und sich zeigt, dass Mitte der 90er doch noch mehr an Ideenreichtum herrschte, vieles unverbrauchter und frischer klang. Habe mir daher gerade in den letzten Tagen einige nicht so bekannte Mid 90-ies Alben gegönnt aus NY, NJ und Philly, bin mal gespannt was da so alles bei reinschneit...

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.10.2008, 16:35 
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Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart
Kommt am 21.10 über Traffic Entertainment:


1. Pimpshit
2. Old School Jackin feat. Prime Minister Dope
3. Northside Posse feat. Emcee Mechanism
4. Fat Ones feat. Ice Dog
5. One Straight Binness feat. Shujaa & Class (Straight Binness)
6. Into the Dangerzone (Dahkter Remix)
7. Meltdown feat. Emcee Mechanism
8. Off Beat
9. Louisville feat. Ice Dog
10. Badlands feat. Class (Straight Binness)
11. Hit A Block feat. E-dawg (Project Niggaz)
12. Extortion feat. Ice Dog
13. Mind Over Matter (Two Track Mix) feat. Emcee Mechanism
14. Mech O.G. feat. Emcee Mechanism
15. Mindblowing
16. Migraine
17. Zone feat. Ice Dog

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BeitragVerfasst: 09.10.2008, 17:00 
Site Owner

Registriert: 06.12.2003, 01:13
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Wohnort: Stuttgart



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BeitragVerfasst: 04.01.2009, 18:24 

Registriert: 23.09.2004, 13:17
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Freeway´s Month of Madness als zip-File. Alle 32 Tracks zusammen. Falls einer es nicht mitbekommen hat, Freeway hat im Dezember jeden Tag einen Track for free rausgehauen. Das ganze plus einen Bonustrack gibt es jetzt schön kompakt hier.

Suche: Grayskul - Thee Adventures!

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 16:37 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin
Neues Believin Stephen Mixtape namens "The Perseverance" kommt heute:


1. Into
2. God is Diesel
3. His Love feat. E-Pistle
4. You Want Jesus? feat. B-doe
5. I Worship You
6. This Ain't
7. Repeat Rhymes
8. Jesus, Jesus feat. Mike Armstrong
9. Ya Kept Me feat. Young Joshua and Azriel
10. Bottom of My Heart feat. Harold Hairston
11. Psalm 34 with cuts by Average Joe
12. Brainwashed
13. Nurture Your Mind
14. Lenny's Story
15. Fire Interlude
16. Only the Strong?? feat. J. Johnson
17. Secular Workplace feat. Average Joe
18. Persevere
19. Perseverance of the Saints

"The Perseverance" mixtape will be released as a FREE download on February 17, 2009. One thing that is going to stand out about this mixtape compared to others is that it is not just a bunch of random verses or remixes. There will be a handful of full songs on the mixtape with actual concepts, hooks, etc. The beats have a gritty underground vibe to them as well as some good soul to them. Fans who enjoy Christ centered lyricism expressed in creative and practical ways will be likely to be feeling the songs I am confident that the material on The Perseverance Mixtape is going to be my best material that has been released. There will be 19 songs on the mixtape with plenty of guest features!

2 Corinthians 1:5 For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance so also is our comfort through Christ. That is the theme Scripture that my music is based off. There is so much pain and suffering in this fallen world but through a relationship with Christ no matter how bad the circumstance may be we can be comforted by a loving Savior who has compassion for us.! The sufferings we go through occur in order for us to be able to help others who may go through the same thing in the future. Sad as it is, if you are suffering without Christ you can have no comfort by Him. Instead you are actually storing up wrath for yourself for the day of judgment! That does'nt need to be the case though. Believe in Jesus and trust that he paid this judgment for you on the cross and have peace with God.

My aim is to make music that comes from the heart and to speak up on issues I feel are important for listeners to hear. Writing rhymes helps me to get things off my chest and I feel I can be more transparent through a song many times then I could be just talking to someone. You will see that the music has an underground steez and the lyrics are heart felt, thoughtful and use multi syllable rhyme patterns.

I aim to point listeners to Jesus Christ who is the God man, and who came to save the sick and those who are a mess. I am a mess and still am a mess even after conversion but that's ok. Christ came to save people who are a mess, who aren't perfect. My goal is to help people realize that Jesus is the only way to heaven. There can be only one true answer to a math problem just as there is only real one way to heaven. All religions cannot be right because they all teach completely different things. If you do not agree with this then please study each religion and it's claims in detail.

I am happy to announce news of a project I am working on. It will be called the "Perseverance" Mixtape and will be dropping in 2009. This will be a FREE mixtape and I am planning to post it on a few sites online as well as make some CD-R copies. I am using the government's Stimulus check to help fund the mixtape. There will be a number of features on this project which will be announced at a later date. Things to count on: I will be sharing my heart, some full length songs (not just a bunch of random verses), covering different facets of the idea of perseverance, and of course Christ being exalted.

Perseverance means persistence under discouragement and contrary pressure. Take a moment and think back to a time when the odds were stacked against you; the walls were closing in on you; you felt like you were going to break, and yet somehow you made it through. In essence, the Christian life can be characterized by the word perseverance. We were once slaves to sin and children of the devil. Thankfully Christ stood in the gap for us so are sins are now forgiven through his death on the cross. Yet we still have problems. The problem might be getting into a car accident: losing a wallet; getting mugged; facing unfair stereotypes; being slandered; being raped; being neglected; being laughed at, etc. Through these problems God helps us to persevere. Think of Moses being left in a basket and sent down the river. Think of Joseph in jail. Think of David running from Saul. Think of Job's property being burned and the agony he went through. Think of Paul and his beatings and imprisonments. Think of our Savior praying in the garden with blood dripping from his head because of the agonizing stress of bearing the cup of wrath.

It is quite apparent that we live in a fallen world. The Bible says that even the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. (Romans 8:22) The earth longs to for the new earth. Lol .Although we are now indwelt with the Holy Spirit we still have this wretched thing called the flesh that we go to war with daily. I fall. I fall again. I fall again and again and again. And get back up, and get back up, and get back up and get back up. This cycle of falling into sin and then looking to the cross for our hope is descriptive of the journey we take as Christians. We get convicted and desire holiness and godliness. Yet we still fall. Praise God for his grace and his compassion that allows us to get back up! Without Him we would NOT persevere! According to JI Packer, "The assertion that believers persevere in faith and obedience despite everything is true, but the reason is that Jesus Christ through the Spirit persists in preserving them."

Paul got encouraged by the perseverance of those in Thessalonica and said, "Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. (2 Thess. 1:4) James tells us to look forward to trials and tribulations because he realized they serve a great purpose in molding our character. James 1:2-4 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Paul ultimately says the same thing in the fifth chapter of Romans, "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4) In 1 Timothy he says something similar "But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness (1 Timothy 6; 11)

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 17:02 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Hat der denn sonst schon was draußen das sich lohnt?

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 18:07 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin
Ich hab hier seine What I Believe EP seit ein paar Monaten stehen, aber noch nie reingehört. Dürfte allerdings sehr seichte Kost sein was der Mann da liefert, wenn ich das richtig einschätze. Dazu noch mehr als nur einen Hauch Christian Rap, wenn man sich mal die Tracktitel auf der EP anschaut. Ist aber immerhin richtig gepresst die CD.

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 18:08 
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h-town hat geschrieben:
Dazu noch mehr als nur einen Hauch Christian Rap, wenn man sich mal die Tracktitel auf der EP anschaut.

Ja, das Cover sieht auch "leicht" danach aus... :D

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 18:11 

Registriert: 13.09.2006, 19:35
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Wohnort: Berlin
Ja gut, beim Mixtape ist das noch offensichtlicher :D , meinte allerdings die EP. Da hockt er ganz alleine gelassen auf nem Konzert in der Ecke und schreibt an seinen Texten. :D



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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 19:23 

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Hauptsache mit Rucksack :ugly: :bonk:

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BeitragVerfasst: 17.02.2009, 21:21 

Registriert: 06.10.2006, 14:10
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was ist denn das für ein Name :bonk: :ugly: :king2: :uglymadcat:


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BeitragVerfasst: 04.03.2009, 17:05 
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Registriert: 09.03.2004, 22:26
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Wohnort: Bad Iburg
Kennt die EP "Check it out" von Lord Aaqil aus Philly jemand? Ist von 1993 und wird für East-Verhältnisse recht hoch gehandelt (350,- $ derzeit bei discogs): ... se/1328795

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