“The best laid schemes of mice and men, often go awry.”
Far more crafty (and wealthy) men have schemed and wept at foot of their most ambitious plans, and we’re no exception. It seems the universe has a hard-on for go-getters and optimists, and we’re filing for rape charges. What the hell am I saying? Well, for starters the current financial situation doesn’t play nice with the QK10 plan.
Now, the QK10 plan is actually still in full effect - only the latter half is essentially being halved with the beginning of next year in light of the most recent developments (ie. The Grand Investor Fuckery of QK10). Everything was actually set into place and we’ve been on point timing-wise, but one bad turn of events knocked the entire house of cards into a different time-zone. In a nutshell, shit isn’t financially possible this year.
A few of you have already caught wind of these developments and put two and two together to come to this same conclusion, but I felt it necessary to highlight the situation for the folks that aren’t on top of every forum reply.
We’re following through. Resources are currently being shifted around on projects, promotions, etc and we’re already looking at how to lay everything out in 2011.
With that said, we’re looking to close out the year with: Niggaz With Latitude, and Cassette Verite. In that order.
Early 2011 will see Asterisk:Five, Oneirology and CATM. Which opens up more touring and promotional opportunities for us to really maximize the impact of the releases as much as humanly possible. Those aren’t albums we’re going to just ‘throw out there” and hope people pay attention to - they have to be done right - especially considering their quality.
Yes, I was adamantly dead set on dropping CATM before the year is out (my b-day is Dec. 14th and that would have made the ultimate gift for myself), but too much time and effort has been invested to put it out without proper promotion. Last thing we need right now is another record that gets a couple blog posts and disappears.
Regardless, you will still see the first CATM single + video before the year is out. Just be sure to continue to follow the next batch of clues.
You’ll start seeing some NWL promo by next week. It’s seriously great shit with Deacon pulling double-duty, proving once again that he’s absolute beast on the boards and the mic while Sheisty Khrist hurts people’s feelings. Cassette Verite is sounding amazing so far and SOS is really putting down some of his best lyricism on display here.
The most frustrating part about this for me personally, is that we started these projects last year. What I AM proud of in spite of this, is that dropping 6 albums in a year is beyond impressive…considering we dropped a grand total 1 in 2007 and a whopping 2 in 2008. But once again, I’ll incite the genius of John Lennon and quote him here: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”.
Your support of us in light of the recent situation was tremendous and helped us stave off bankruptcy for a couple extra months. Some of you took to buying extra copies of you releases you already had, others adding in extra dough on Bandcamp purchases and offered your assistance in various ways. I always tout what a ridiculously amazing fanbase the blue schoolers are, but I’m always surprised by how proactive and down for the cause y’all are in times like these. It’s incredibly humbling.
We sincerely appreciate your continued love and support of our little indie-label that could and we look forward to bringing you more of the best Hip Hop music on the planet.
Let’s look back on this and laugh as we celebrate the massive accomplishment at the QN5 MEGASHOW 2011 in NYC next summer.
War irgendwie abzusehen, aber egal, hauptsache CATM kommt nächstes Jahr...