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Valentine's day ?
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Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 14.02.2004, 03:53 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Valentine's day ?

what yall gonna do on st. Valentine's day? I is some lovers day, so yall need to be romantic boys with yo girls ;) I mean for those of you who got girlfriends....
well here in boogiezzy's chamber it's gonna be one mo boring day...I'm maybe going on some party, but I'm not sure cuz I don't like that 'teenage-rap-groups', but it's gonna be a lot of chicks last time :stupid: :rolleyes: :D

Autor:  Bruno [ 14.02.2004, 09:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Valentine's day ?

Boogiezzy hat geschrieben:
...I'm maybe going on some party, but I'm not sure cuz I don't like that 'teenage-rap-groups',

and what about nelly and the lunatics?? Bild

Autor:  FOXY'ma [ 14.02.2004, 11:36 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

hey whutz wrong with nelly??

valentine's day whutz so special bout makin my own party today we gonna play billiard and shit lol itz gonna b dope um pretty sure;)

Autor:  Bruno [ 14.02.2004, 12:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

FOXY'ma hat geschrieben:
hey whutz wrong with nelly??

:notsure: :bonk:

Autor:  Warlocc [ 14.02.2004, 16:40 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I've forgot about it, now my girl's mad at me...
I hate this fuckin day mane :mad:


Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 14.02.2004, 17:40 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Nelly iz a playa :cool:
I didn't said as well.........I mean on kids that are tryin to rep and they sound pretty shitty :thumbdown:

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 14.02.2004, 23:57 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

FOXY'ma hat geschrieben:
valentine's day whutz so special bout it...

ma imas pravo ;) jao! dobio poruku od Rajne da idem s njom na party veceras...a nemam volje slusat one klince koje ne razumijes 5 % sta "rappaju", a i sinusi su mi otisli kvragu :bonk: cijeli dan suze oci, jao otkako je pocela godina da sam 1 dan zdrav kak spada...stalno nesto :sad:

Autor:  Face97 [ 15.02.2004, 00:44 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ja za tan dan nisam znao dok nisam dosao u je glupost...samo je dobro za trgovine...da potrosis para..

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 15.02.2004, 02:09 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ma imas pravo...trgovacki trikovi :rolleyes:

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