UG Rap Community

check this shit out :)
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Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 03.02.2004, 21:17 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  check this shit out :)

there so much interesting tools for download....enjoy :thumbs:

Autor:  Lost Citizen [ 03.02.2004, 21:23 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

It's only shit for kiddies... :thumbdown:

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 03.02.2004, 21:28 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I can hack you wit dat Bild ;)

Autor:  lyricalbomber [ 03.02.2004, 21:30 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Boogiezzy hat geschrieben:
I can hack you wit dat Bild ;)

lol@ your Smiley... :thumbs:

Autor:  deuce-five [ 03.02.2004, 21:32 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Boogiezzy hat geschrieben:
I can hack you wit dat ;)

lol :good:

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 03.02.2004, 21:35 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

lyricalbomber hat geschrieben:
lol@ your Smiley... :thumbs:

check this smileys, they're pretty funny :

Bild Bild Bild

Autor:  lyricalbomber [ 03.02.2004, 21:42 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Boogiezzy hat geschrieben:
lyricalbomber hat geschrieben:
lol@ your Smiley... :thumbs:

check this smileys, they're pretty funny :

Bild Bild Bild

yeah...that one on the toilet bowl is my favorite :D

Autor:  mare [ 09.02.2004, 20:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

how can i hack my girlfriend's emailaccount? i need to expand my level of control and deepen the relationship a little, nah mean :D :ugly:

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 09.02.2004, 21:22 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

It's your girlfriend, it's easy job then....Just get some trojan horse, Sub7 is the best one...Just go to her house and on her PC double click on trojan horse server, or send to her e-mail trojan horse server, but beware of anti virus protection ;) ....You'll get all her passwords; e-mails, internet connection, boards....every password she got :) And off course, many many more :D

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 10.02.2004, 19:10 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I wanted to hack one e-mail account yesterday night cuz I sent e-mail and then later I was shy cuz of that, and I said to myself; damn, I shouldn't do that, but if I don't do it, I will probably never find out something, and I need to know some thangz, and I can get something most beautiful in my life and from the other side I can loose a lot of it...and now, like HAWK'z song - ONLY TIME WILL TELL :sad:

Autor:  mare [ 10.02.2004, 20:46 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

a sta se desilo, care? se bediras zbog neke trebe?

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 10.02.2004, 23:52 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 


Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 11.02.2004, 22:44 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

e vidis, kad bi samo znao iskoristiti backdoor za web stranice, upasti nekim trojancem....kak bi zakon bilo...npr..h3s potpuno nezasticen.... dok na ugrap ne mozes ici preko ip-a stranice

Autor:  Boogiezzy [ 20.02.2004, 03:20 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

e a znas sta mi je najbolje kod sveg tog alata? sto je relativno lagan za skuzit kak se radi,tj. neke "osnove", i onda npr. gledas ljude kad ti se skrivaju po raznim messangerima, ono..ode u "invisible" mode a opet ga vidis, a bar znas hoce ti se neko javit ili ce se pravit da ga nema na netu, ah :nono: Al najbolje je kad mu puknes nekog trojana u sistem registry pa i ako obrise s antivirusom opet kad restarta i dalje je trojanac tu :D al nije ga tad lako makniti...probaj se malo igrat na nekom s time, zabavno je.... evil one :mad: :razz:

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