UG Rap Community

Whats Good Peoples Check my Beats
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Autor:  APBeats [ 13.12.2004, 09:03 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Whats Good Peoples Check my Beats

whats up check my beats tell me what you think ... smusic.htm

Autor:  bdm [ 13.12.2004, 20:53 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Wow! Very well done stuff .. the beats are on point, I listened to several snippets and every song was banging.. I like the choir you used in the background for "Zero" .. sounds professional, exemplary stuff... :thumbs:

Can your production already be heard on anybody's album?

Autor:  APBeats [ 14.12.2004, 10:16 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Think you very much for checkin my beats im meetin with jus allah from jedi mind tricks hopefully gettin some beats on his album im workin with some other artist and a mixtape.

thanks for checkin my beats

AIM-APBeatz ... smusic.htm

Autor:  Knowbody [ 14.12.2004, 10:23 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Beats for Jus Allah? That's great but I think his album is already done, 18 bangin' Tracks (check :notsure: .

Autor:  Lost Citizen [ 14.12.2004, 20:29 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

@ap beats: by the way... How do you know ugrap?

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