UG Rap Community

Kid Rock vs Musicstack and others ...
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Autor:  down_from_day_one [ 08.09.2016, 07:09 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Kid Rock vs Musicstack and others ...

There is a delusional person suing MusicStack and myself personally for copyright infringement thinking he can squeeze $250K (times two) out of me.

If you want to read the non-sense court case you can at:

I am not worried about losing this case since he has no legal leg to stand on. But none the less I still it is still going to cost me close to $5,000 to defend and get dismissed since the case was filed in US Federal Court.

This sort of crap is exactly why I filter (right or wrong) certain items when I get take down notices from lawyers. It helps (but not always) avoid having to go through the motions and having to pay thousands of dollars to get the case dismissed.

If only our legal system in the USA was more like the Brits, frivolous law suits like this would not be filed since the losing party would have to pay the winning parties legal costs.

Anyhow, I thought I would share this all with you.

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