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Dom Pachino (2006)

Der Output der Killarmy ist mit gerade einmal drei Alben immer überschaubar geblieben – was man von Dom Pachinos Umtrieben nicht unbedingt sagen kann. Sage und schreibe zwölf Undergrounds hat der New Yorker in verhältnismäßig kurzer Zeit auf den Markt gefeuert – einen Qualitätsverlust oder auch sinkendes Interesse bei den Käufern will er indes nicht bemerkt haben. Nun soll im März mit “Rice & Beanz” endlich auch das erste offizielle Album erscheinen. Warum er dem aus dem Jahre 2004 datierenden “Tera.Iz.Him” diesen Status abspricht, was von Napalm Recordings und besonders natürlich von “Rice & Beanz” erwarten dürfen und ob die Killarmy sich noch einmal aufraffen kann – das sind die Themen unseres zweiten Interviews mit Dom Pachino. Ein großes Dankeschön an Mathis (matt2.9) für die Transkription.

Dom Pachino

Dom Pachino

Why did it take so long to release your first official album?

It was all politics, really man. I mean, I’ve been ready ’cause I’ve been doing projects like crazy. But to do my solo I wanted to put a little more work into it and make it stand out a lot more than my, you know, my projects that I’ve been putting out. You feel me? But it’s all politics really ’cause now I feel like I’m ready to come in and show my self to the world right now. I was trying to build my company up in the whole process, I was trying to build Napalm Recordings up before I released it. And now people know who Napalm is. So, now I’m kinda ready to do it, you feel me?

Why don’t you consider “Tera.Iz.Him” as an official piece? Many fans do so…

The reason is that it was never intended to be that. And I even also said it on the “Tera.Iz.Him”-project. I said “This is not the album”, you feel me? So, I mean, it is a good project. It was one of the fan’s favourite projects. But it’s not a solo album. As you listen to it, it has little pieces of like – singles that I did with the army on it (Killarmy, Anm. d. Verf.). Just little exclusive tracks that were dying to come out.

Why will your new album be better than all the 12 underground albums you released before? What will be different?

A lot more the way I wanna be with it, musically, a lot more the way I’ve grown could be it more or less. It’s just a lot of work. I spent about 8-9 months making the “Rice & Beanz” album.

So, could just give us some more info about guest appearances or the producers? Who will be on it?

Who will be on it? Alright, well, basically the same cats that I always got. I also got some news cats on it though. I got a Reaggaeton-artist named Golden Child, he’s on it, he’s gonna be like something new that’s starting right here. I got an R’n’B-artist named Cassandra, she’s on it. I got Thirstin Howl, I got Block McCloud on it, I got Shyheim on it, on the single and all that. That’s pretty much it, I keep it in house, most of my shit I keep it in the house. I mean, I’m willing to work with other artists and everything but I had to keep it real solid, you know?!

Don’t you think that people might loose interest in your music when you drop so many albums?

I mean, you know what it is. The numbers keep telling me “no”. I would think that – and I started thinking that – but I think they kinda like having something new to listen to, you know what I mean, I’m giving them quality music. And, I mean no one else is really doing that. I mean if you have to wait around for your artist to drop one album a year and then it’s kinda wack you know, shit ain’t really solid then, you know. I think that makes you lose interest in the game, period! But if you got somebody constantly giving you some fresh music and it’s good music, good quality, then I don’t think they get tired. I mean, they’re still buying my albums, so, when the sales start slowing down, then I would think that. But as long as they keep going out and picking it up then: naw, I don’t think so.

Dom Pachino

Dom Pachino

I think you always had interesting topics. What about the topics on the new album? What do you rap about?

On the new album, I got something deep about my love-life, it’s called “Commitment”. The single is crazy, it’s a whole boxing-thing talking about all these m.p.’s in the game come box with me. I’m ready to get in the heavyweight position like I’d take anybody, no matter what size, you know?! Any weight class, it don’t matter. Basically, you know what I’m saying?! That’s the “Rice & Beans” album, so I’m preaching on, you feel me? I rap about my love for rapping and shit like that, my raps, how I started out, how it was before all this money got involved. It was just the love for the raps, you feel me? I got some. It’s just, you just really have to listen to it. To get off hands man, I’ve been working like a beast. I always work on music that’s why I release so many projects. This is a 9-to-5 to me. Some cats go in to get the budget. I’m in the studio every day.

Do you already have a drop date?

We’re shooting for March right now. An actual release date – no.

There’s also another record released on December 1st: “Guns & Glory”. What can you tell me about this one?

That’s for the official P.R. Terrorist fans. That’s for the cats that loved that “P.R. Terrorist” album. The “Tera.Iz.Him”. It got Fallen Down on a lot of productions, it’s got Dub Senato on it, it’s crazy. It’s got Shyheim on two joints and I got Killa Sin on a joint with my that nobody haven’t heard. They’ve been waiting to hear me and Sin doing something for a while together, so I gave them that. Yeah, it’s 10 exclusive tracks never heard before, some that I figured I’m gonna put that out before I drop the “Rice & Beanz” just to keep everything levelled out. But it’s real grimy man. I mean, some people, they’re really loving it right now, that I drop another album.

Is the Killarmy still in effect?

Yeah the Killarmy is still in effect. I mean, two of my brothers, I just have to admit they’re locked up you know *laughs*. But, we’re talking about doing another Army-album. Me and 4th Disciple were talking about it, me and Beretta, you know?!. We’ll see what we’re gonna do. We might get at the people, the fans are really nuts on another Army-album. So: it might be, it could be announced. I can’t really say, not yet, you know? It’s gonna be a big surprise when you see it.

Do you feel that you get the recognition that you deserve?

Not at all, naw! I don’t know the reasons. I mean, I know I’m working hard. I mean, people do recognize – I get a lot of love. Oh my god, I gotta say that. I was putting that spotlight for them and they don’t see me in that light yet, that’s what it is, you feel me? That’s what I’m aiming for. I’m trying to do that in 2007. I’m gonna gain all that recognition and than they gonna really see all this work I’ve been putting in. I don’t think they really know how much work I’ve been putting in. I mean, what other right now cat you know is dropping that many projects? You feel me, that’s a lot of work!

Dom Pachino

Dom Pachino

Your label Napalm recordings – will there be any solo-joints from upcoming artists?

Yeah, what we’re doing right now: I got a Crunch Lo album, we’re gonna drop next year. We have that Crunch Lo album that’s getting cooked up. Me and Shyheim, we’re doing a merger-album with his label and my label. We’re gonna drop an album, we’re doing a dual-album, me Shyheim. And, pretty much right now that’s it. We got an abstract artist we’re working with right now. She’s already in the game, I don’t wanna let it out right now, but that’s gonna be a big one. She’s out there actually in the Europe area. But I can’t really expose that yet, ’cause we didn’t finalize that but I think ya’ll gonna love that.

You’re working with Shyheim, the Killarmy is still in effect. How strong is your affiliation to the Wu-Tang Imperium?

I’m glad you asked me that. Because, I no longer wanna be called a Wu-tang affiliate. I stand on my own foot with this. It’s the Napalm world, it’s Napalm Recordings, it’s a new movement. I mean, the Wu-Tang, I derived from that branch in the music business, you know what I’m saying, but I’m no longer a Wu-tang affiliate. And, if you don’t know by now, if you listen to all my music there’s no W’s on my albums, there’s no shouting out Wu-Tang on all these tracks. There’s no kung-fu shit in my music. It’s military, it’s a Killarmy thing. It’s a military lifestyle. We always had that. We always had our own thing with this. You know, it just happened that 9th Prince was RZA’s younger brother and that’s the group that we formed and so it tumbled down on us. But, we always had our own sound, it was always our own thing. It’s cool, the Wu-Tang is great, it’s good to be affiliated with something great. But, you know, what we’re doing right now is a whole new movement. It’s all about Napalm Recordings, i’ll guarantee you.

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